首页>资讯>石油石化>Equinor及其合作伙伴的Snefrid Nord气田开始投产

Equinor及其合作伙伴的Snefrid Nord气田开始投产

阅读:1290次 日期:2019/09/05

据Trend通讯社9月4日消息称,Trend通讯社援引挪威国家石油公司的消息称,该公司及其合作伙伴于9月1日开始在Snefrid Nord气田投产,这是首个与挪威海Aasta Hansteen气田有关的发现。


Snefrid Nord的可开采资源估计为44亿标准立方米天然气(相当于27500万桶石油当量)和一些凝析油。这将把Aasta Hansteen的高水平产量提高近一年。Snefrid Nord气田每天将产生400万立方米的天然气。

Aasta Hansteen于2018年12月投产。该气田与Polarled管道一起,在挪威海开辟了一个天然气出口到欧洲的新区域。不到一年之后,第一个发现就与该油田联系在了一起。

开发Snefrid Nord大约花费了12亿挪威克朗。该油田原本计划于2019年底投产。

Snefrid Nord于2015年被发现,2017年被批准进行油田开发。开发包括海底样板中的一口井通过管道和纽带与Aasta Hansteen油田相连。

Snefrid Nord是第一个与Aasta Hansteen联系在一起的油气田。随着基础设施的到位,该地区可能会发展更多的油气田。

曹海斌 摘译自 Trend


Equinor, its partners start production from Snefrid Nord gas field

On 1 September Norway's Equinor and its partners started production from the Snefrid Nord gas field, the first discovery tied back to the Norwegian Sea Aasta Hansteen field,Trendreports citing the company.

It also sets a new depth record on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS).

Recoverable resources for Snefrid Nord are estimated at 4.4 billion standard cubic metres of gas (27,5 million barrels oil equivalents) and some condensate. This will extend plateau production from Aasta Hansteen by almost a year. On plateau Snefrid Nord will produce four million cubic metres of gas per day.

Aasta Hansteen came on stream in December 2018. Together with the Polarled pipeline the field opened a new region in the Norwegian Sea for gas export to Europe. Less than a year later the first discovery is tied back to the field.

It cost around NOK 1.2 billion to develop Snefrid Nord. Originally the field was to start production at the end of 2019.

Snefrid Nord was discovered in 2015 and in 2017 the field development was sanctioned. The concept includes one well in a subsea template tied back to the Aasta Hansteen field by a pipeline and an umbilical.

Snefrid Nord is the first field to be tied back to Aasta Hansteen. With the infrastructure in place, more satellites may be developed in the area.
