

阅读:1278次 日期:2019/09/05

据9月3日Gas World报道,目前,瑞典工业气体公司 (AGA)在恩科平(Enk?ping)启动其耗资4000万欧元新建的全自动天然气充装厂项目。




AGA天然气首席执行官Andreas Opfermann表示:“恩科普的设施是独一无二的。它是最现代化的气瓶充装与全自动气瓶处理设施。


AGA Gas瑞典生产和分销经理Tobias Vikberg补充称:“智能机器人处理大部分流程,承担大部分的繁重工作。操作人员的主要任务是负责监控系统和卡车的装卸。此外,利用收集到的数据,我们可以不断地度量、评估和优化我们的充装流程。”

洪伟立 摘译自 Gas World


AGA inaugurates Europe’s largest fully automated gas filling plant

Swedish industrial gases company AGA has today inaugurated its new €40m fully automated cylinder filling plant in Enk?ping.

The first-of-its-kind in Europe, and one of the largest gas filling facilities within AGA, the entire production flow is automated from sorting, filling, storage to picking.

Picture self-propelled trucks set gas cylinders in locks where they are automatically sorted according to the desired filling and receiver, a robot lifts the bottles into the filling carousel and then back out and into the lock where they are picked back up by the self-propelled trucks.

AGA’s filling plant in Enk?ping will handle approximately 1.8 million cylinder-fillings per year and at the same time six sites have been consolidated into this new plant.

Andreas Opfermann, CEO of AGA Gas, said, “The facility in Enk?ping is unique. It is the most modern gas cylinder filling plant with fully automatic cylinder handling.”

“This provides numerous benefits to our customers and employees alike in terms of quality, safety and work environment.”

Tobias Vikberg, Production and Distribution Manager Sweden at AGA Gas, added, “Smart robots handle most processes and do most of the heavy lifting.”

“The main tasks of the operators have been changed to monitoring the systems and to the loading and unloading of the trucks.”

“Also, the business becomes data-driven and we can continuously measure, evaluate and optimise our processes.”

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