首页>资讯>石油石化>三星重工与Zvezda合作开发北极LNG 2运输船

三星重工与Zvezda合作开发北极LNG 2运输船

阅读:1241次 日期:2019/09/05

据世界天然气网站9月4日报道,韩国造船巨头三星重工(SHI)与俄罗斯Zvezda造船厂签署合同,为北极LNG 2项目建造冰级LNG运输船。

根据SHI的声明,该公司已被选为技术合作伙伴,协助Zvezda建设北极液化天然气运输船,用于诺瓦泰克领导的北极LNG 2号项目,并提供技术支持。




李方征 编译自 世界天然气


SHI partners up with Zvezda on Arctic LNG 2 carriers

South Korean shipbuilding giant, Samsung Heavy Industries has concluded a contract with the Russian Zvezda shipyard to build ice-class LNG carriers for the Arctic LNG 2 project.

According to SHI’s statement, it has been selected as a technological partner to assist Zvezda with the construction of Arctic LNG carriers for the Novatek-led Arctic LNG 2 project and to provide technological support.

Samsung Heavy signed will design LNG carriers that use LNG as primary fuel featuring 45 MW of power capacity, comparable to that of a nuclear icebreaker, and safely carry LNG while breaking ice up to 2.1 meters thick in minus 52 degrees Celsius.

Meanwhile, on the same day, SHI confirmed the establishment of a joint venture with the aim of assisting Zvezda with constructing shuttle tankers, which demonstrates its willingness to enter into the Russian market.

Samsung Heavy claims to have won 60 out of 138 orders for shuttle tankers placed to date globally, occupying 43 percent of the global market share.
