

阅读:1801次 日期:2019/09/12




雷斯塔能源油田服务研究主管奥登·马廷森(Audun Martinsen)在一份有关该行业的最新报告中表示,油价走低会让2020年石油服务市场负增长。他补充道,对于供应商来说,这意味着三年的增长历史将结束,不管你看的是哪个市场。


Martinsen表示,这种新的市场观点与我们先前预测的2020年油价估计在70美元左右形成了鲜明的对比。在该油价下,服务市场预计将增长2%,受到海上和页岩的支撑。 然而,石油市场的下行风险越来越大,我们可能在2020年面临更多不利因素。



郝芬 译自 今日油价


Rystad: Low Prices To Send Oil Services Market Into Recession

Following three consecutive years of growth, the oilfield services market is set to slip into recession in 2020 if oil prices stay at their current low levels, Rystad Energy said on Wednesday.

According to Rystad Energy, total global revenue of oilfield services firms will decline by 4 percent in 2020 if oil prices stay flat next year.

This year, the oilfield services market is expected to grow by 2 percent to US$647 billion, the energy consulting and business intelligence firm has estimated. But if oil prices stay at around US$60 a barrel Brent Crude, the revenues would likely drop to some US$621 billion next year, putting an end to three years of revenue growth in a row, Rystad Energy warns.

“Lower oil prices call for negative growth in the service market in 2020,” Audun Martinsen, head of oilfield services research at Rystad Energy, said in an update on the sector.

“For suppliers, this means that a three-year growth story will come to an end regardless of which market segment you look at,” Martinsen added.

The biggest drag on oilfield service revenues would be the U.S. shale industry as it is expected to contract by 6 percent next year. Offshore oilfield services purchases are seen down by 1 percent as companies would cut back on exploration activity to cut costs at these oil prices, Rystad Energy said.

“This new market view stands in stark contrasts to what we previously forecasted when oil price estimates stood around $70 for 2020. At that oil price, the service market was expected to grow by 2%, held up by offshore and shale. However, downside risks have been mounting in the oil market, and we could face additional headwinds in 2020,” Martinsen said.

As of 2021, the oilfield services market is expected to recover from what is now expected a downbeat year 2020, Rystad Energy said.

In recent months, the U.S. shale patch has started bracing for an extended period of weak oil prices, and drillers and oilfield services firms have been cutting staff and reducing budgets to weather the slowdown in North America’s fracking growth.
