

阅读:1642次 日期:2019/09/12

据全球能源新闻9月11日消息称,据路透社报道,OOC石油和天然气区块链财团,其成员包括雪佛龙公司、康菲石油公司、埃克森美孚公司、Equinor公司和荷兰皇家壳牌公司等,已与Data Gumbo签订合同,在美国北达科他州的巴肯页岩油田使用区块链技术用于水处理。


在试点中,Data Gumbo的区块链技术将被用于自动支付,支付通常是手动处理的,并通过第三方报告来增加成本。Data Gumbo首席执行官Andrew Bruce表示,这项技术每年可为油气水业务节省约37亿美元的成本。


Data Gumbo的平台GumboNet将同步废水处理相关的数据。

Equinor公司同时兼任财团主席Rebecca Hofmann表示,Equinor是该财团的成员之一,该公司希望通过这项技术节省25%的处理盐水的成本。


总部位于休斯顿的Data Gumbo得到沙特阿美公司子公司沙特阿美能源风险投资公司和Equinor旗下Equinor技术风险投资公司的资金支持。该公司已经与一家大型石油公司合作,使用区块链来跟踪墨西哥湾的钻井设备和泥浆。


曹海斌 摘译自 全球能源新闻


Blockchain to be implemented in Bakken shale field

Reuters is reporting that the OOC Oil & Gas Blockchain Consortium, whose members include Chevron Corp., ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil Corp., Equinor and Royal Dutch Shell, among others, has awarded a contract to Data Gumbo to pilot blockchain technology for water handling services in the Bakken shale field in North Dakota, US.

Blockchain, a technology that underpins bitcoin and other digital currencies, is a distributed ledger that can make and verify transactions on a network in real time, offering the potential to cut costs and lower the risk of fraud.

In the pilot, Data Gumbo’s blockchain technology will be used to automate payments, which are typically handled manually and through third-party reporting that increases costs. The technology could generate approximately US$3.7 billion annually in cost savings for the oil and gas water business, Data Gumbo Chief Executive, Andrew Bruce, said.

“There is going to be a huge amount of cost taken out of the whole supply chain,” according to Bruce.

Data Gumbo’s platform, GumboNet, will synchronise data related to waste water disposal.

Equinor, a member of the consortium, expects to save 25% in process costs related to salt water disposal from the technology, according to Equinor’s Rebecca Hofmann, who is also chairman of the consortium.

The Oil & Gas Blockchain Consortium launched in February to develop ways the technology can be used in the oil and gas industry. The group hopes this pilot will pave the way for broader usage for blockchain in the industry.

Houston-based Data Gumbo has financial backing from Saudi Aramco Energy Ventures, the venture capital arm of Saudi Aramco, and Equinor Technology Ventures, a unit of Equinor. The company is already working with a large oil company to use blockchain to track drilling equipment and mud in the Gulf of Mexico.

Blockchain technology has already been deployed in energy trading. In 2017, Swiss trader Trafigura Ltd teamed up with IBM and Natixis to develop a platform for US crude oil deals.
