

阅读:1250次 日期:2019/09/18

据普氏能源资讯9月17日新加坡报道,沙特阿拉伯炼化公司Petro Rabigh在周二的一份声明中表示,公司预计乙烷供应将减少8%。

这些公司分别是:沙特国际石化公司(Sipchem)、先进石化公司(APC)、国家工业化公司(Tasnee)、延布国家石化公司(Yansab)、沙特卡扬石化公司(Saudi Kayan)和沙特基础工业公司(Sabic)。这些公司宣布原料供应中断约30%-50%。

Petro Rabigh在拉比格拥有一座炼油厂,原油加工能力为40万桶/天。公司还拥有一台乙烷裂解装置,年产乙烯160万吨。其下游装置可年产单乙二醇60万吨,聚乙烯106万吨。

沙特阿美向Petro Rabigh供应乙烷和原油,并持有该公司37.5%的股份。日本住友化学株式会社持有Petro Rabigh另外37.5%的股份。

裘寅 编译自 普氏能源资讯


Saudi Petro Rabigh sees ethane gas supply cut by 8%, crude oil 12.5%

Saudi Arabia's Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Company, or Petro Rabigh, said it sees ethane gas supply cut by 8% and crude oil by 12.5%, the company said in a statement Tuesday.

Several petrochemical companies announced feedstock supply disruptions after oil facilities in Saudi Arabia were attacked on Saturday.

These companies are: Saudi International Petrochemical Company, or Sipchem, Advanced Petrochemical Company, National Industrialization Co, or Tasnee, Yanbu National Petrochemical Company, or Yansab, Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Company and Saudi Basic Industries Corp, or Sabic. The companies announced feedstock supply disruptions of around 30%-50%.

Attacks on Saudi Aramco's Abqaiq processing facility and the Khurais field on Saturday morning have led to production cuts of around 5.7 million b/d, representing about half of the company's production capacity, S&P Global Platts reported previously.

Petro Rabigh has a refinery in Rabigh with a crude processing capacity of 400,000 b/d. The company also has an ethane cracker which is able to produce 1.6 million mt/year of ethylene. Its downstream units can produce 600,000 mt/year of monoethylene glycol and 1.06 million mt/year of polyethylene.

Saudi Aramco supplies ethane and crude oil to Petro Rabigh and also owns a 37.5% stake in the company. Japan's Sumitomo Chemical owns another 37.5% stake in Petro Rabigh.

上一篇:9月18日 国内主要城市大中型材价格汇总