

阅读:1245次 日期:2019/09/18



当被问及俄罗斯是否需要提高其石油产量以抵消沙特的损失时,诺瓦克告诉记者,由RIA Novosti承担,这将完全取决于沙特对此次袭击后果的评估。这位俄罗斯部长表示,这一评估将显示沙特石油生产和交付所受影响的程度。


国际能源署(IEA)周六在评论沙特阿拉伯的袭击事件时称:我们与沙特当局以及主要生产国和消费国保持联系。 目前,市场由充足的商业库存供应。

阿联酋能源部长Suhail Al Mazrouei周一表示,石油基础设施遭到袭击后,导致沙特阿拉伯一半以上的原油产量中断,但欧佩克拥有足够的备用产能,以应对供应短缺。


郝芬 译自 今日油价


Russia’s Energy Minister: Global Oil Stocks Can Cover Saudi Supply Gap

Global commercial oil inventories will be enough to cover a potential deficit on the oil market following the attacks on key oil infrastructure in Saudi Arabia, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak told reporters on Monday.

On Saturday, the Abqaiq facility and the Khurais oil field in Saudi Arabia were hit by attacks, which resulted in the temporary suspension of 5.7 million bpd of Saudi Arabia’s crude oil production, or around 5 percent of global daily oil supply.

Asked whether Russia needs to boost its oil production to offset the Saudi loss, Novak told reporters, as carried by RIA Novosti, that it would all depend on the Saudi assessment of the consequences of the attack. The assessment will show the extent of the impact on Saudi oil production and deliveries, the Russian minister said.

“There are enough commercial inventories in the world right now to cover a shortage in the medium term,” Novak said, noting that a lot would depend on how long the Saudi infrastructure would be offline.

Commenting on the attacks in Saudi Arabia, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Saturday:

“We are in contact with the Saudi authorities as well as major producer and consumer nations. For now, markets are well supplied with ample commercial stocks.”

OPEC has sufficient spare capacity to respond to supply shortages after the attacks on oil infrastructure that took more than half of Saudi Arabia’s crude oil production offline, Suhail Al Mazrouei, the energy minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), said on Monday.

Still, the UAE energy minister, as well as OPEC’s Secretary General Mohammad Barkindo, said it was too early to rush into emergency OPEC meetings and put extra supply on the market, at least until Saudi Aramco provides the first updates about how long it would take to restore the lost production.

上一篇:9月18日 国内主要城市涂镀价格汇总