首页>资讯>石油石化>BHGE完成股份回购 更回原名贝克休斯公司

BHGE完成股份回购 更回原名贝克休斯公司

阅读:1220次 日期:2019/09/18

据世界石油网站9月16日休斯顿和伦敦报道 通用电气公司贝克休斯今天宣布,以每股21.50美元的价格向公众公开发行了1.3225亿股BHGE A级普通股,每股面值0.0001美元。本次平仓包括承销商全部行使其期权,向出售股东额外购买1725万股A级普通股。


由于本次发行,通用电气及其附属公司不再持有BHGE所有类别有表决权股票50%以上的表决权。除其他事项外,这将通用电气有权任命的董事会成员从5人减至1人。通用电气已通知该公司,其已选择Jamie S. Miller继续担任BHGE董事会指定人员,Jamie S. Miller和James J. Mulva将向该公司董事会冲突委员会提交辞呈。Lorenzo Simonelli和W. Geoffrey Beattie将继续担任公司董事会成员,但不会担任GE指定人员。

BHGE董事长兼首席执行官Lorenzo Simonelli表示:“今天的交易标志着我们旅程的一个重要里程碑,我们有一个令人振奋的未来,当然这建立在强大的基础之上。同时我们是一家差异化的能源技术公司,我们独特的价值主张使我们在客户和市场中处于有利地位。”

王磊 摘译自 世界石油


BHGE completes share repurchase, renames itself Baker Hughes Company

Baker Hughes, a GE company announced today the closing of a secondary offering of 132.25 million shares of BHGE Class A common stock, par value $0.0001 per share at a price to the public of $21.50 per share. This closing includes the underwriters’ exercise of their option in full, purchasing an additional 17.25 million shares of Class A common stock from the selling stockholders.

BHGE intends to change its corporate name to Baker Hughes Company, known as Baker Hughes. Following the name change, the Class A common stock will trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “BKR.”

As a result of this offering, GE and its affiliates ceased to hold more than 50% of the voting power of all classes of BHGE’s voting stock. Among other things, this reduced the number of individuals who GE is entitled to designate to BHGE’s board of directors from five to one. GE has informed the company that it has selected John G. Rice to remain on the BHGE board of directors as its designee and that Jamie S. Miller and James J. Mulva will submit their resignations to the Conflicts Committee of the company’s board of directors. Lorenzo Simonelli and W. Geoffrey Beattie will continue to serve on the company’s board of directors but not as GE designees.

“Today’s transaction marks an important milestone in our journey, and we have an exciting future ahead built on a strong foundation,” said Lorenzo Simonelli, chairman and CEO of BHGE. “We are a differentiated energy technology company and our unique value proposition positions us well with our customers and in the market.”

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