首页>资讯>石油石化>切尼尔与EOG Resources签订天然气供应协议

切尼尔与EOG Resources签订天然气供应协议

阅读:1226次 日期:2019/09/18


根据切尼尔旗下两家子公司签署的协议,EOG同意从 2020年初开始的约15年内向切尼尔出售天然气,数量从1400万英热/天增加到4400万英热/天。

1400万英热/天的液化天然气将由切尼尔拥有和销售,EOG将根据(普氏日韩基准价格)JKM获得该天然气的价格。剩余3000万英热/天液化天然气将由EOG参照亨利中心(Henry Hub)的价格出售给切尼尔。

切尼尔天然气供应高级副总裁Corey Grindal表示:“ 我们很高兴与美国最大的独立天然气生产商之一EOG合作开展第二次综合生产营销(IPM)交易,预计将支持Corpus Christi项目的第三阶段工作。”

EOG市场营销高级副总裁Lance Terveen补充说:“ 我们期待与美国领先的液化天然气供应商切尼尔合作,开拓国际天然气市场,预计未来几年全球需求将大幅增加。这些协议进一步扩大了我们在多个终端市场与客户的接触范围,使我们的天然气价格实现最大化。”

徐蕾 摘译自 世界天然气


Cheniere inks gas supply deal with EOG Resources

Houston-based LNG player Cheniere Energy has signed a long-term liquefied natural gas supply deal with its compatriot oil and gas exploration and production company EOG Resources.

Under the agreements signed through two of Cheniere’s units, EOG agreed to sell natural gas to Cheniere over a period of approximately 15 years beginning in early 2020, with the quantity starting at 140,000 mmbtu per day and increasing to 440,000 mmbtu per day.

The 140,000 mmbtu per day of LNG will be owned and marketed by Cheniere and EOG will receive a price based on the Platts Japan Korea Marker (JKM) for this gas. The remaining 300,000 mmbtu per day will be sold by EOG to Cheniere at a price indexed to Henry Hub.

Corey Grindal, Cheniere’s SVP for gas supply, said: “We are pleased to partner with EOG, one of the largest independent natural gas producers in the United States, on our second integrated production marketing (IPM) transaction which is expected to support Corpus Christi Stage III.”

D. Lance Terveen, EOG’s SVP of marketing, added: “We look forward to working with Cheniere, the leading U.S. LNG provider, to expand into international natural gas markets where global demand is expected to significantly increase for years to come. These agreements further diversify our access to customers across multiple end markets to maximize our natural gas price realizations.”
