

阅读:1606次 日期:2019/09/19


德国联邦铁路公司日前签署了一份从2024年开始的5年协议,从公用事业公司Innogy和RWE供应和贸易公司购买他们位于北海的295兆瓦Nordsee Ost风电场的25兆瓦的发电量,占总发电量的8%。


德国联邦铁路公司已是德国最大的绿色能源消费企业,该公司通过其新的“斯塔克?斯齐纳”(Starke Schiene)企业战略,为自己设定了更高的环境和气候目标。到2038年前,DB所消耗的全部铁路电力将是100%绿色的。该公司已经用可再生能源满足了57%的能源需求。



李峻 编译自 全球能源新闻


German Trains to Run on Offshore Wind

German Rail (Deutsche Bahn – DB) has closed Germany’s first power purchase agreement (PPA) to buy electricity from an offshore wind farm.

German Rail has signed a five-year deal starting in 2024 to buy the output of 25MW, or 8%, of the 295MW Nordsee Ost wind farm in the North Sea from utility Innogy and RWE Supply & Trading.

The contract will run for five years, beginning in 2024. The supplied volume comprises 25 megawatts, which is the equivalent of four wind turbines. That is eight percent of the total production of the wind farm, which consists of 48 turbines with a total of 295 megawatts.

Deutsche Bahn is already the largest green-power consumer in Germany, and the company has set itself even higher goals for the environment and the climate with its new “Starke Schiene” corporate strategy. By 2038, the entire rail power consumed by DB will be 100 percent green. The company already covers over 57 percent of its energy requirements with energy from renewables.

The share of green power in the rail power mix of DB is drawn from a broad portfolio. For example, innogy hydropower plants have been supplying DB with around 900 million kilowatt hours of green power annually since 2011. The company’s annual energy requirement is around ten terawatt hours, equivalent to the energy consumption of a city the size of Hamburg.

This contract is the first offshore wind Corporate PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) in Germany. The power is produced at the offshore wind farm for a fixed price and is used directly by Deutsche Bahn. RWE Supply & Trading acts as the contract and retail partner.
