

阅读:1572次 日期:2019/09/29


2019年2月,西伯尔和俄罗斯出口中心(REC)启动了Export Accelerator项目,这是一个联合教育项目,旨在提高客户的出口潜力和对外经济事务方面的专业知识。参加者完成了有关单个产品出口和国外市场扩展案例的培训,学习了逐步推广和扩大自己的出口计划。与会者包括11家西伯尔的聚合物加工客户,这些客户寻求增加海外销售或显示出进入国际市场的强大潜力。


西伯尔管理委员会成员兼执行董事Sergey Komyshan 表示:“西伯尔不断培育出对现代聚合物产品的需求。与Netkanika达成的协议将促进向俄罗斯和关税同盟以外的市场出口高质量的聚丙烯非织造材料。”

Netkanika公司总经理Andrey Zimin表示:“我们生产的用于身体和皮肤接触的无纺布是用最高质量的原料生产的。Netkanika与西伯尔之间的新战略协议必将推动Netkanika的出口销售。”

曹海斌 摘译自 油气产品


SIBUR and Netkanika sign cooperation agreement

SIBUR and Netkanika signed a strategic cooperation agreement aimed at facilitating the export of polypropylene nonwoven materials produced by Netkanika from SIBUR’s polypropylene.

In February 2019, SIBUR and the Russian Export Center (REC) launched Export Accelerator, a joint educational initiative to enhance client export potential and expertise in foreign economic affairs. The participants completed their training with individual product export and foreign market expansion cases, learning to roll out and scale up their export initiatives going forward. The participants included eleven SIBUR's clients in polymer processing that seek to boost overseas sales or show strong potential for entering international markets.

SIBUR produces a wide range of polypropylene grades, including feedstock for nonwovens finding application in hygiene and healthcare, such as baby and adult hygiene products and medical goods for body and skin contact uses.

“SIBUR consistently cultivates the demand for modern polymer products. The agreement with Netkanika will foster the export of high-quality polypropylene nonwoven materials to the markets outside Russia and the Customs Union,” said Sergey Komyshan, member of SIBUR’s Management Board and Executive Director.

“Our nonwovens for body and skin contact application are produced with the highest quality feedstock,” said Andrey Zimin, General Manager of Netkanika LLC. “The new strategic agreement between Netkanika and SIBUR is sure to kick-start Netkanika’s export sales.”

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