首页>资讯>石油石化>贝克休斯:加拿大钻机数量增加8部 至127部

贝克休斯:加拿大钻机数量增加8部 至127部

阅读:1580次 日期:2019/09/29

据Oil & Gas Journal网站9月27日报道 根据贝克休斯的数据,加拿大钻机数量在截至9月27日的一周内增加了8部,至127部,与去年同比钻机数量减少了51部。其中加拿大石油导向钻机数量增加了6部,使本周的数量达到88部,天然气导向钻机数量增加了2部,达到39部。







吴恒磊 编译自 Oil & Gas Journal


Baker Hughes: Canadian rig count up 8 units to 127

Canada has added 8 rigs for the week ended Sept. 27, according to Baker Hughes data. With 127 rigs running, the count is 51 fewer than the number of rigs drilling this week a year ago. The number of oil-directed rigs in Canada increased by 6, bringing the count to 88 rigs for the week. Gas-directed rigs were up 2 units to 39.

The overall US rig count is down this week. Baker Hughes’ calculation of US rigs decreased 8 units to reach 860 during the week. The report shows a decrease of 194 units from year-ago levels.

Offshore units were down a single unit at 24 rigs. A total of 835 rigs were drilling on land, down 7 units from last week. The number of rigs drilling in inland waters remained unchanged at 1 unit working.

Rigs targeting oil fell 6 units to 713, and down 150 from the 863 rigs drilling for oil this week a year ago. Gas-targeted rigs were down 2 units to 146. This time last year, 189 units were drilling for gas.

Among the largest producing states, none saw an increase in rigs week over week.

Nine states remained unchanged, namely New Mexico, 109;Oklahoma, 66;North Dakota, 53; Pennsylvania, 36;West Virginia, 16;California, 15; Ohio, 11;Alaska, 8;and Utah, 3.

Texas dropped 5 units to 418 rigs running. Each dropping a single rig, counts in Louisiana, Wyoming, and Colorado stood at 56, 34, and 25, respectively.
