

阅读:1558次 日期:2019/09/29

据Gas Processing网2019年9月26日东京报道,俄罗斯最大的私营天然气生产商诺瓦泰克首席执行官列昂尼德·米赫尔松26日在东京表示,该公司预计日前新获得的许可证将为其超冷天然气项目群中的第3个LNG厂提供足够的天然气资源。





李峻 编译自 Gas Processing


Russia's Novatek sees enough gas for third big LNG plant

Russia's top private gas producer Novatek expects newly acquired licenses will give it enough resources for a third liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant in its super-cooled gas cluster, CEO Leonid Mikhelson said.

Novatek already has a Yamal LNG plant running at annual capacity of 16.5 million tonnes of super-cooled gas. It plans to start another project, Arctic LNG 2, in 2023.

Arctic LNG 2, with planned annual capacity of 20 million tonnes of LNG, is located on the Gydan peninsula across the straight from the LNG plant on the Yamal peninsula.

Novatek is looking to build more LNG facilities in the area as it aims to produce as much LNG as Qatar.

Mikhelson, who is also a major Novatek shareholder, told reporters in Tokyo that in two years' time, the three gas production licenses Novatek has on the Gydan peninsula would "give the necessary resource base for another LNG project of the size of Arctic LNG 2." He did not give a timeframe for the project.

Separately, Novatek said it has signed an agreement with Japan's Mitsui O.S.K. Lines and JBIC to implement projects to build marine LNG transhipment complexes in the Kamchatka and Murmansk regions of Russia.

"The... transhipment complexes will help to optimise logistics and maximize the efficiency of LNG deliveries from Yamal and Gydan to LNG key markets of the Asia-Pacific region," Mikhelson said in a statement.

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