

阅读:1662次 日期:2019/09/30

据Energy Voice网站9月27日报道,在伦敦上市的索洛石油公司 (Solo Oil)正在削减其不再有前途的资产,这是其成为一家中型勘探和生产公司的动力的一部分。

索洛宣布今年上半年的业绩时,称已售出怀特岛的股份。 其还正在出售在安大略省的Reef 资源公司的股份,并且在本月早些时候宣布了一项交易,以退出在西非的Burj石油公司的股份。



该公司新任首席运营官道格·雷克罗夫特告诉Energy Voice称,欧洲的天然气和能源基础设施空间为Solo获得合适的资产提供了广阔的猎场,从而使索洛成为重要的生产和开发公司,其商业模式专注于包含能源转型市场的机遇,为股东带来回报。新董事会和高级管理人员正在积极探索这一领域的机遇,我们有信心尽快实现公司的首次原材料生产收购。

该声明援引该公司执行董事长阿拉斯泰尔·弗格森(Alastair Ferguson)的话说,出售资产使索洛具有“强大的资产负债表,使董事会和管理层能够执行一个旨在实现为股东回报价值的战略愿景的平台。 我们的目标是将这家公司建立成为以高质量资产和稳定现金流为基础的中型勘探与生产公司。

该公司还与THREE60 Energy和NRG Well Management签署了协议,以寻求新的发展方向。

索洛与Aminex在坦桑尼亚拥有资产。 这些公司正在努力收购阿曼ARA石油区块的股份。 Solo还支持“一号氦气”,旨在开发坦桑尼亚的氦气资源。 该公司计划在十月份在澳大利亚上市,并在2020年初进行勘探钻探。

郝芬 译自 Energy Voice


Solo plans European reorientation

London-listed Solo Oil is cutting assets it no longer sees a future in and , in part of its drive to become a mid-cap exploration and production company.

Solo, announcing its first half results for the first half of the year, said it had sold off a stake in the Isle of Wight. It is also in the process of selling a stake in Ontario-focused Reef Resources and, earlier this month, announced a deal to exit its stake in West Africa-focused Burj Petroleum.

The company said it was making progress in slimming down its historic portfolio, with the aim of leaving them either through securing value or relinquished to avoid future costs.

Solo has adopted a strategy focused on the acquisition of assets that can provide it with net production of at least 5,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day within the next three years.

“The European gas and energy infrastructure space provides an abundant hunting ground for Solo to acquire the right assets to establish itself as a significant production and development company with a business model focused on opportunities that embrace the energy transition market, bringing returns to shareholders,” the company’s new COO Doug Rycroft told Energy Voice. “The new board and senior management are actively progressing opportunities within this space and we are confident of soon securing the company’s maiden material production acquisition.”

The company’s executive chairman Alastair Ferguson was quoted in the statement as saying the sale of assets had given Solo a “strong balance sheet enabling the board and management a platform to execute a strategic vision focused on returning value for shareholders. We aim to establish this company as a mid-cap E&P underpinned by high-quality assets and solid cash flow.”

The company has also signed deals with THREE60 Energy and NRG Well Management, in pursuit of its new direction.

Solo has an asset in Tanzania, with Aminex. The companies are in the process of farming out a stake in the block to Oman’s ARA Petroleum. Solo is also supporting Helium One, which aims to develop helium resources in Tanzania. The company intends to list in Australia during October, with exploration drilling following in early 2020.
