

阅读:1602次 日期:2019/09/30

据今日油价网站9月27日消息 国际能源机构(IEA)执行董事比罗尔周五对路透社表示,如果全球经济进一步恶化,IEA可能会再次下调今明两年的石油需求增长预期。



IEA最近对石油需求增长的下调是在8月份的石油市场报告中进行的,在该报告中,IEA在1月和5月之间的需求增长率仅为52万桶/日后,将其预测下调了10万桶/日,至2019的110万桶/日。这是2008年以来的最低增幅,IEA 8月还下调了2020年石油需求增长预期,下调5万桶/日,至130万桶/日。


王磊 摘译自 今日油价


IEA Might Revise Down Oil Demand Growth Forecasts, Again

If the pace of global economy deteriorates further, the International Energy Agency (IEA) could revise down again its oil demand growth expectations for this year and next, the IEA’s executive director Fatih Birol told Reuters on Friday.

“It will depend on the global economy. If the global economy weakens, for which there are already some signs we may lower oil demand expectations,” Birol said on the sidelines of a forum in South Korea.

The IEA and many other organizations and analysts, including OPEC, have trimmed their oil demand growth estimates several times this year already, on the back of signs of slowing economic growth in the world, also due to the U.S.-China trade spat.

The IEA’s latest downward revision to oil demand growth came in its August Oil Market Report, in which the Paris-based agency cut its forecast by 100,000 bpd to 1.1 million bpd for 2019, after seeing that between January and May demand growth was just 520,000 bpd, the lowest increase for the period since 2008. The IEA also revised down in August its oil demand growth estimate for 2020, by 50,000 bpd to 1.3 million bpd.

In its latest Oil Market Report published in September, the IEA kept its August forecasts unchanged, expecting 1.1 million bpd demand growth this year and 1.3 million bpd oil demand growth for next year.
