

阅读:1599次 日期:2019/09/30

据离岸工程9月27日报道称 澳大利亚巴罗萨近海天然气和轻凝析油开发项目合伙人桑托斯表示,继运营商康菲石油将天然气出口管道合同授予荷兰承包商Allseas后,该项目将于明年初进入最终投资决定阶段。



康菲石油拥有37.5%的权益,其合作伙伴是SK E&S(37.5%)和桑托斯(25%)。


天然气出口管道将把达尔文以北300公里的巴罗萨气田连接至现有的Bayu Undan至达尔文管道。


吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


Barossa FID Expected in Early 2020

Santos, a partner in the Barossa offshore gas and light condensate development offshore Australia, said the project is moving toward a final investment decision (FID) early next year following operator ConocoPhillips awarding the gas export pipeline contract to Dutch contractor Allseas.

ConocoPhillips said it awarded the engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) contract for the 260-kilometer gas export pipeline to Allseas. The contract includes procurement, transportation and installation of the pipeline, as well as project management, engineering and associated services.

The Barossa project is currently in the front-end engineering design (FEED) phase and includes a ship-shaped floating production, storage and offloading facility (FPSO), subsea production system and gas export pipeline, all located in Commonwealth waters north of Darwin, Northern Territory.

ConocoPhillips is operator with 37.5% interest, and its partners are SK E&S (37.5%) and Santos (25%).

The offshore development area encompasses petroleum retention lease NT/RL5 and potential future phased development in the smaller Caldita Field to the south in retention lease NT/RL6.

The gas export pipeline will tie the Barossa gas field, 300 kilometers north of Darwin, into the existing Bayu Undan to Darwin Pipeline.

The pipeline contract follows several earlier awards for the project, including engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of the subsea production system (SPS) awarded to TechnipFMC in May 2019. In 2018, two separate FEED contracts for the FPSO were awarded MODEC and to a consortium between TechnipFMC and Samsung Heavy Industries to be conducted as a design competition. FEED for the subsea infrastructure (umbilicals, flowlines and risers) and gas export pipeline has been awarded to INTECSEA, also in 2018.
