

阅读:1483次 日期:2019/11/08

据11月7日Energy Voice报道,美国能源助理部长史蒂文温伯格(Steven Winberg)在非洲石油周(Africa Oil Week)会议上表示,美国希望向非洲国家出口液化天然气和煤炭。

这位官员指出,6月份启动的“繁荣非洲倡议”(Prosper Africa initiative)促进了美国和非洲之间的双向贸易。该计划将与私营部门合作,美国公司可以带来专业知识和资本,支持当地发展。





王佳晶 摘译自 Energy Voice


US eyes exports of coal, LNG to Africa

The US is eager to export LNG and coal to African states, US Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy Steven Winberg told the Africa Oil Week conference.

The official noted the Prosper Africa initiative, which was launched in June, as boosting two-way trade between the US and Africa. The plan is to work with the private sector to support development. US companies, Winberg said, can bring expertise and capital.

There is scope for additional US investment in the continent but there is also scope for the import of LNG.

The US Department of Energy has worked with a number of African states on plans for floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs).

Winberg went on to note the importance of coal. The US is exporting coal to a number of African states, the official said, and is also keen to provide technology for the next-generation of coal-fired power plants.

The Coal FIRST Initiative is intended to allow new power plants to be constructed with “high efficiency and close-to-zero emissions”.

The US exported 50.5 million tonnes of coal in the first six months of 2019, down from 58.1mn tonnes in the first six months of 2018. Africa offered a rare bright spot for coal exports, with supplies to the continent reaching 5.1mn tonnes in the first half, up 14% year on year.

The major importer in Africa is Egypt, which took around half the total with volumes rising 17.8% year-on-year. The next largest is Morocco, which is working on plans for an LNG import terminal.
