

阅读:1551次 日期:2019/11/08


国有石油公司恩普雷萨国家石油公司首席执行官Omar Mitha表示,该公司下周将在约翰内斯堡开始融资,然后再前往伦敦。该项目可能会改变莫桑比克疲弱的经济,包括Golfinho和Atum油田的开发以及建设该国第一家陆上液化天然气工厂。




Mitha表示,ENH也在这个由埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil Corp.)牵头的开发项目中持有股份,但随着项目费用的增加,ENH股份的成本仍在讨论之中。最终的投资决定预计将在4月份做出。



曹海斌 摘译自 钻机地带


ENH to Woo Investors for $1.5B Gas Financing

Mozambique will court investors for $1.5 billion of financing for a giant natural-gas project run by Total SA.

State oil company Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos will kick off a funding roadshow in Johannesburg next week before moving on to London, said Chief Executive Officer Omar Mitha. The project -- potentially transformative for Mozambique’s ailing economy -- includes the development of the Golfinho and Atum fields and the nation’s first onshore liquefied natural gas plant.

ENH, which has a 15% stake in the project, is seeking $1.5 billion to finance its share of development costs. The company previously resorted to a “backstop option” to have its partners fund the stake, Mitha said in an interview in Cape Town. It “was a kind of bridge funding from our partners with the proviso that ENH would go to the marketplace” to seek better terms and relieve them of the debt, he said.

France’s Total operates the project with a 26.5% interest, after snapping up Anadarko Petroleum Corp.’s African assets earlier this year. Mozambique, one of the world’s poorest countries, is counting on the $23 billion development to revive its economy after struggling to service its debt in recent years.

The so-called Area 1 LNG project will generate about $38 billion of revenue for the government over its lifetime, according to a Finance Ministry forecast. And that’ll be supplemented by sales from an even bigger LNG project planned next door, in Area 4.

ENH also has a stake in that development, led by Exxon Mobil Corp., but the cost of its share is still being discussed as project expenses have increased, according to Mitha. A final investment decision is expected by April.

Once gas production starts at the projects, “the risk factor will be reduced and we’ll have some kind of enhancement” in terms of funding, Mitha said, adding that ENH is targeting all banks as well as private equity.

The Exxon and Total projects, located near the Tanzanian border, will both allow gas to be exported to world markets.
