

阅读:1479次 日期:2019/11/15

据钻机地带11月13日消息,据Sadara化学公司周三报道,贝克休斯 (Baker Hughes)将根据新签署的长期供应协议在沙特阿拉伯的第一个生产基地从Sadara 化学公司获得原料化学品。


Sadara首席执行官Faisal M. Al-Faqeer评论道:“我们很高兴能与贝克休斯签署这些供应协议,这将有助于他们在沙特阿拉伯蓬勃发展的工业领域建立强大的影响力。这一关系将为沙特的化学品制造业带来巨大的竞争优势,这与我们和Sadara为在沙特王国实现下游制造机会所付出的努力以及“ 2030愿景”完全一致。”


Sadara于今年3月初破土动工了EO/PO管道。在当时发布的一份书面声明中,该公司指出,管道系统将为PlasChem 园区的租户提供服务,这是中东和北非地区的首个此类系统。

贝克休斯油田和工业化学品业务副总裁Jerome Jammal表示:“我们很高兴与Sadara合作,在沙特阿拉伯建立我们的第一个化学品生产工厂,以满足沙特和整个中东地区客户不断增长的需求。我们将在该工厂生产的化学品对安全、有效地能源输送至关重要。在沙特阿拉伯将这些制造能力本地化,表明了我们致力于为客户服务和发展本地劳动力的承诺。”

裘寅 编译自 钻机地带


Baker Hughes Signs Long-Term Saudi Arabia Contracts

Baker Hughes Co. will receive feedstock chemicals for its first manufacturing site in Saudi Arabia from Sadara Chemical Co. under newly signed long-term supply agreements, Sadara reported Wednesday.

Sadara will supply the new Baker Hughes facility with ethylene oxide (EO) and propylene oxide (PO) via pipeline over a 20-year period, the Saudi Aramco-Dow Chemical Co. joint venture (JV) noted in a written statement emailed to Rigzone. The JV and Baker Hughes formally signed the contracts at a ground-breaking ceremony Wednesday for the facility, which Baker Hughes is building at PlasChem Park adjacent to the world-scale Sadara chemical complex in Jubail Industrial City, Saudi Arabia.

“We are excited to have signed these supply agreements with Baker Hughes, a step that will help them establish a strong presence in the booming industrial sector in Saudi Arabia,” commented Sadara CEO Faisal M. Al-Faqeer. “The competitive benefits that this relationship is going to bring to chemicals manufacturing in the Kingdom are significant, and in complete alignment with our efforts as Sadara to enable downstream manufacturing opportunities in Kingdom, and with Vision 2030.”

Vision 2030 is Saudi Arabia’s broad plan to spur improvements in the Kingdom in areas such as economic development and diversification, employment, housing, health care, finance and quality of life. Al-Faqeer noted that PlasChem Park will support opportunities to diversify Saudi Arabia’s manufacturing sector and that Baker Hughes is one of the park’s first tenants. According to Sadara, the 4.6-square-mile (12-square-kilometer) industrial park is dedicated to the chemical and conversion sectors.

Sadara broke ground on the EO/PO pipeline in early March of this year. In a written statement issued at the time, the company noted the pipeline system will serve PlasChem Park tenants and is the first of its kind on the Middle East and North Africa region.

“We are pleased to partner with Sadara as we build our first chemicals manufacturing facility in Saudi Arabia to meet the growing needs of customers in the Kingdom and across the Middle East,” stated Jerome Jammal, vice president of Baker Hughes’ Oilfield and Industrial Chemicals unit. “The chemicals we will make at this facility are essential to the safe, efficient delivery of energy. Localizing these manufacturing capabilities in Saudi Arabia is a demonstration of our commitment to serving our customers and developing our local workforce.”
