

阅读:1515次 日期:2019/11/15

据塔斯社11月14日报道,俄罗斯自然资源部长科比尔金(Dmitry Kobylkin)表示,俄罗斯北极地区的石油储量达73亿吨,凝析油储量达27亿吨,天然气储量约为55万亿立方米。而亚马洛-涅涅茨自治区潜力最大,约占北极地区初始总资源的43.5%。




俄罗斯副总理兼俄总统驻远东联邦区全权代表尤里?特鲁特涅夫(Yuri Trutnev)早些时候预计,北极大陆架液态碳氢化合物储量达170亿吨,天然气储量达85万亿立方米。同时,他强调,对北极地区特别是对北极大陆架的地质勘探程度还很低。

洪伟立 摘译自 塔斯社


Russia’s Arctic oil reserves estimated at 7.3 bln tonnes

Oil reserves of the Russian Arctic zone amounted to 7.3 bln tonnes, natural gas - about 55 trillion cubic meters, Russia’s Minister of Natural Resources Dmitry Kobylkin said on Wednesday.

"Oil reserves of the Russian Arctic zone are estimated at 7.3 bln tonnes, condensate - 2.7 bln tonnes, natural gas - about 55 trillion cubic meters. The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous region has the greatest potential. It accounts for about 43.5% of the initial total resources of the Arctic zone," he said.

It was noted that about 41% of the region’s oil and gas resources are located on the Arctic shelf.

The Minister believes that the Arctic region should be considered a strategic reserve of the country. "I am convinced that the development of the Arctic region is a project for decades, if not centuries ahead. All this time it will affect welfare of the whole country. I still think that the Arctic shelf should be considered a strategic reserve for the development of the mineral resource base and hydrocarbon production in Russia," Kobylkin said.

It is reported that as of October 2019, 140 licenses are operating on the Russian shelf.

According to the law, only state-controlled companies (in which the state owns at least 50%) with at least five years of experience working on the shelf, can apply for the development of the subsoil of the Russian shelf of the Arctic. Since 2016, a moratorium has been in place to issue new licenses for offshore fields, and now only Gazprom and Rosneft are allowed to the shelf.

Deputy Prime Minister and Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Trutnev earlier estimated Arctic shelf resources at 17 bln tonnes of liquid hydrocarbons and 85 trillion cubic meters of gas. At the same time, the degree of geological exploration of the Arctic in general, and shelf in particular, remains extremely low, he emphasized.
