

阅读:1520次 日期:2019/11/15



道达尔勘探与研发副总裁Dominique Janodet表示:“道达尔正致力于在地震采集方面的创新,以最大限度地减少石油活动对地表的影响,提高地下成像质量,同时提高我们的整体运营效率。我们很高兴有机会与阿国油再次合作,分享先进的技术知识和专业知识。此外,METIS系统是减少我们陆地勘探和评估活动环境足迹的主要技术,这完全符合我们对环境的承诺以及我们成为负责任的能源专业企业的雄心。”

程张翔 编译自 哈特能源


ADNOC, Total Adopt Unmanned Drones, Vehicles To Innovate Seismic Acquisition Field

The Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) and Total announce their collaboration on Nov. 13 to deploy the world’s first automated seismic acquisition system in Abu Dhabi.

This pilot project, performed with Total’s Multiphysics Exploration Technology Integrated System (METIS), uses autonomous drones and a ground vehicle to drop off and retrieve seismic sensors without human intervention, therefore at a lower cost. It will be deployed throughout the emirate of Abu Dhabi, to contribute to onshore exploration and appraisal campaigns—a first in the region.

“Total is focusing on innovation in seismic acquisition to minimize surface impact of petroleum activities and improve the quality of sub-surface images, while increasing our overall operational efficiency. We are proud to have this opportunity to collaborate once again with ADNOC to share advanced technological knowhow and expertise,” Dominique Janodet, vice president R&D of Total Exploration & Production, said. “In addition, METIS is a major technology to reduce the environmental footprint of our onshore exploration and appraisal campaigns, which is completely in line with our environmental commitments and our ambition to be the responsible energy major.”
