首页>资讯>石油石化>Saipem公司将考虑与对手Subsea 7公司合并

Saipem公司将考虑与对手Subsea 7公司合并

阅读:1409次 日期:2019/11/18

据知情人士透露,Saipem SpA正考虑与竞争对手Subsea 7 SA合并,成立一家更大的欧洲石油服务提供商。

知情人士称,这家意大利公司正在寻求与在挪威上市的Subsea 7公司达成一项潜在交易,以增强实力,抵御行业低迷。由于信息是保密的,这些提供消息的人士要求匿名。在奥斯陆交易所的市场中,Subsea 7公司股价上涨了8.4%,这是这个公司两年多来最大的盘中涨幅,市值约为33亿美元,Saipem公司股价上涨了5.3%。

Saipem的最大股东是意大利能源巨头埃尼集团(Eni SpA),其估值约为49亿美元。知情人士说,目前还没有做出最终决定,也不确定这些讨论是否会促成交易。


数据显示,埃尼和OMV AG今年斥资58亿美元收购了阿布扎比国家石油公司(Abu Dhabi National Oil Co.)炼油部门的股份。自2000年以来,埃尼集团已经完成了10笔超过10亿美元的收购。

赵斌 摘译自 钻井新闻


Saipem to Consider Combining with Subsea 7

Saipem SpA is considering a combination with rival Subsea 7 SA to create a larger European oil services provider, people with knowledge of the matter said.

The Italian company is pursuing a potential deal with Norway-listed Subsea 7 as it seeks to bulk up and weather an industry downturn, according to the people, who asked not to be identified because the information is private. Subsea 7 rose as much as 8.4% in Oslo trading, the biggest intraday gain in more than two years, and has a market value of about $3.3 billion. Saipem gained as much as 5.3%.

Saipem, whose biggest shareholder is Italian energy giant Eni SpA, is valued at about $4.9 billion. No final decisions have been made, and there’s no certainty the deliberations will lead to a transaction, according to the people.

A tie-up by the companies would be among the biggest oil services deals ever in Europe.

This year, Eni and OMV AG acquired a $5.8 billion stake in Abu Dhabi National Oil Co.’s refining unit, the data show. Since 2000, Eni has racked up 10 acquisitions topping $1 billion.
