

阅读:1396次 日期:2019/11/18

据油气新闻网站11月14日阿布扎比报道 欧佩克秘书长Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo在阿布扎比国际石油展览会(Adipec)上对行业领袖表示,2018年至2040年间,全球一次能源总需求将增长25%,其中石油和天然气有望满足大部分需求。



Barkindo 在演讲中说:“所有形式的能源都将需要以可持续的方式满足这一不断扩大的需求。”





王磊 摘译自 油气新闻


Oil & gas to meet global energy demand in 2040: Opec

There will be a 25 per cent increase in total primary energy demand worldwide between 2018 and 2040, with oil and gas expected to meet most of this demand, Opec secretary general Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo told industry leaders at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (Adipec).

Oil and gas will continue to play a central role in achieving sustainable economic development and reducing ‘energy poverty’, he added, presenting data from the 2019 Opec World Oil Outlook.

He said growth would be driven by rising demand in developing countries, where almost one billion people still lacked access to electricity and three billion had no access to clean fuels for cooking.

“All forms of energy will be required to meet this expanded demand in a sustainable way,” Barkindo said during his presentation.

“Renewables are contributing the largest growth in percentage terms, including significant expansion in investment in Opec member countries, particularly here in the UAE. Natural gas has the largest growth in terms of replacing coal (for electricity generation), and oil retains its role with the largest share in the energy mix.

“In fact, oil and gas combined are still expected to make up more than 50 per cent of the energy mix at 2040.”

He said the proportion of demand coming from China, India and other emerging markets would continue to grow, particularly from Asia-Pacific markets. Non-OECD demand would increase by 21.4 mb/d (million barrels per day) by 2040, compared with 2018 figures, while the OECD was expected to reduce by 9.6 mb/d. Total oil demand was expected to reach 110.6 million barrels, with an estimated $10.6 trillion of investment needed across the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors.

However, he noted that it was important that growth be achieved within the context of reducing carbon emissions and – and that new technologies must be developed to ensure the industry could contribute to economic growth, while also helping limit climate change.

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