

阅读:1405次 日期:2019/11/18

据油气杂志网2019年11月15日里约热内卢报道,巴西BM-S-11A区块国际财团的合作伙伴荷兰皇家壳牌巴西石油公司报告说,该国际财团日前从位于巴西深水桑托斯盆地盐下地区的伊阿拉许可证区块从巴西国家石油公司(巴西国油)旗下的P-68浮式产油、储油和卸油 (FPSO)装置开始石油和天然气生产。

在水深2280米的水域,P-68 FPSO装置能够日处理15万桶石油和600万立方米天然气。

P-68 FPSO装置将每天能够储存160万桶石油。由巴西国油运营的P-68 FPSO装置拥有10口生产井和7口注水井。石油生产将由救助船处理,而天然气生产将受到盐下管道路线的影响。


涉及Berbigao、Sururu和West Atapu等油田的BM-S-11A国际财团包括巴西国油(42.5%)、壳牌公司(25%)、道达尔公司(22.5%)和葡萄牙石油公司巴西分公司(10%)。

李峻 编译自 OGJ


Petrobras and partners add presalt production in Brazil

Production of oil and natural gas has started from the Iara license in Brazil’s deepwater Santos Basin presalt from Petroleo Brasileiro SA’s (Petrobras) P-68 floating production, storage, and offloading vessel (FPSO), reported BM-S-11A consortium partner Shell Brasil Petroleo Ltda.

In water depth of 2,280 m, the P-68 FPSO can process up to 150,000 b/d of oil and 6 million cu m of gas. It will be able to store as much as 1.6 million b/d of oil. Operated by Petrobras, P-68 features 10 producing wells and seven injection wells. Oil production will be disposed of by relief vessels, while gas production will be affected by the pre-salt pipeline routes.

In water depth of 2,280 m, the P-68 FPSO can process up to 150,000 b/d of oil and 6 million cu m of gas. It will be able to store as much as 1.6 million b/d of oil. Operated by Petrobras, P-68 features 10 producing wells and seven injection wells. Oil production will be disposed of by relief vessels, while gas production will be affected by the pre-salt pipeline routes.

After P-67 in Lula field and P-76 and P-77 in Buzios field, P-68 is the fourth unit to come into operation for Petrobras in 2019.

The BM-S-11A Consortium for Berbig?o, Sururu, and West Atapu includes Petrobras (operator, 42.5%), Shell (25%), Total (22.5%), and Petrogal Brasil (10%).

下一篇:雄安新区2019年重点项目开工率达90% 取得阶段性成果