首页>资讯>石油石化>Awilco LNG公司的业绩报告显示亏损减少

Awilco LNG公司的业绩报告显示亏损减少

阅读:1474次 日期:2019/11/18


威尔科液化天然气公司(Awilco LNG)报告净亏损110万美元,上年同期分别为净亏损860万美元和净亏损1,140万美元。



Awilco LNG称,目前的现货运费平均约为每天11.75万美元。今年的情况到目前为止完全不同,因为远东地区的需求已经减弱,截至发稿时,船运市场的稳定主要是由于液化天然气数量的异常增长。

欧洲的天然气储备已经满了,欧洲的天然气储藏量已满,所有盆地可用的船只数量都有限,目前大约有25艘液化天然气运输船用于储存,Awilco LNG指出,在市场不平衡时期,LNG运输船作为储备的价值。

即将到来的新产能浪潮(其中50%来自美国)可能会支撑液化天然气运输船的需求,超出目前的船队和订单规模。不过Awilco LNG表示,波动期和季节性应该在预料之中。

Awilco公司与其他船舶公司的整合还在努力商谈中,然而,这些讨论的结果仍然不确定。Awilco LNG公司有一艘合同到2020年3月,在这个不断增长的市场处于有利地位。

赵斌 编译自 世界天然气新闻


Awilco LNG tightens its loss

Norwegian based LNG transportation provider Awilco tightened its loss during the third quarter of the year as its freight income jumped.

Awilco LNG reported a net loss of $1.1 million, which compares to an $8.6 million net loss in the previous quarter and a net loss of $11.4 million in the corresponding quarter last year.

Freight income for the quarter was $6.7, up from $3.9 in the second quarter of 2019. The whole amount was attributable to WilPride which was delivered on an 8-month contract on 9 July. Subsequent to being struck by another vessel end of May 2019, WilForce was off-hire until repairs were completed in mid-September.

Fleet utilization for the quarter ended at 45 percent compared to 56 percent in the previous quarter due to the extensive off-hire on the WilForce following the collision.

Awilco LNG said that spot shipping rates are currently reported at about $117,500 per day on average. The story this year is so far completely different as demand has been muted in the Far East and the firm shipping market at time of writing is largely a result of the exceptional growth in LNG volumes.

Europe’s gas storage is full, available vessels in all basins is limited and about 25 LNG carriers are currently used for storage, illustrating the value of LNG carriers as storage in periods of market imbalances, Awilco LNG said.

The wave of new production capacity coming, 50 percent of which is from the United States, may underpin demand for LNG carriers beyond the current fleet and order book. However, periods of volatility and seasonality should be expected, Awilco LNG said.

Awilco’s efforts to consolidate with other ship owners are still ongoing, however, the outcome of these discussions is still unclear. Awilco LNG has one vessel on contract until March 2020 and is well-positioned in this growing market.
