

阅读:1453次 日期:2019/11/18

据11月15日OGJ报道,埃克森美孚公司(ExxonMobil Corp.)已与福陆公司(Fluor Corp.)签订了一份合同,为该公司此前宣布的扩建项目提供一系列服务,该项目旨在将其下属埃索石油有限公司(Esso Petroleum Co.Ltd.)位于英国南安普顿附近的27万桶/天的Fawley炼油厂的超低硫柴油产量提高近45%。

服务提供商表示,在完成了扩展项目的前端工程设计(现在称为Fawley Strategy (FAST)项目)之后,福陆将为该项目提供设计、采购、施工等方面的有偿服务。







邹勤 摘译自 OGJ


ExxonMobil lets contract for UK refinery upgrade

ExxonMobil Corp. has let a contract to Fluor Corp. for a series of services related to the operator’s previously announced expansion project to increase production of ultralow-sulfur diesel by nearly 45% at affiliate Esso Petroleum Co. Ltd.’s (EPCL) 270,000-b/d Fawley refinery near Southampton.

Following its completion of front-end engineering design for the expansion—now known as the Fawley Strategy (FAST) project—Fluor will provide engineering, procurement, fabrication, and construction on a reimbursable basis for the project, the service provider said.

Specifically, Fluor’s scope of work on the project includes design and construction of a new diesel hydrotreater and steam methane-reforming hydrogen plant as well as modifications to unidentified existing installations at the Fawley site.

Construction activities on the FAST expansion are scheduled to start by yearend.

Fluor disclosed neither a value nor duration of the contract.

The contract award follows ExxonMobil’s April final investment decision to proceed with the more than $1-billion expansion project, which intends to help reduce the need to import diesel into the UK by adding a hydrotreating unit to remove sulfur from fuel, supported by a hydrogen plant that, combined, will also help improve the refinery’s overall energy efficiency.

In addition to logistics improvements, the project will increase ultralow-sulfur diesel production at the site by 38,000 b/d.

Pending regulatory approval, the FAST project is targeted for start-up in 2021.

Situated on the western side of Southampton Water, the Fawley refinery—the UK’s largest—features a mile-long marine terminal that annually handles about 2,000 ship movements and 22 million tonnes of crude and other products.

ExxonMobil previously said the Fawley expansion project comes as part of the company’s broader plans to increase earnings potential of its global downstream business by 2025 .
