

阅读:1640次 日期:2019/12/25

据12月24日Recharge Magazine报道称,意大利石油集团埃尼集团(Eni)收购了法尔克可再生能源公司(Falck Renewables)在美国49%的运营太阳能资产,并签署了一项战略协议,计划在2023年底前在美国进一步开发至少1兆瓦的太阳能电站。

埃尼集团能源解决方案执行副总裁卢卡·科森蒂诺(Luca Cosentino)表示,对埃尼集团而言,与法尔克可再生能源公司达成的协议开辟了一个新的、低风险、高流动性的市场,双方目标是在这个市场上迅速发展。这一伙伴关系将受益于法尔克可再生能源的知识和知名经验,使埃尼集团加速计划,以增加其可再生能源的能力,并为实现脱碳目标奠定基础。




洪伟立 摘译自 Recharge Magazine


Eni buys into Falck US solar pipeline ahead of gigawatt-scale plans

Italian oil group Eni has bought 49% of the operating solar assets of Falck Renewables in the US, and has signed a strategic agreement to develop a further at least 1GW of solar plants in the US by the end of 2023.

“For Eni, the agreement with Falck Renewables opens up a new, low-risk and highly fluid market in which we are aiming to grow very quickly,” said Luca Cosentino, executive vice president of Energy Solutions at Eni.

“This partnership will benefit from the knowledge and renowned experience of Falck Renewables, enabling Eni to accelerate its plans to increase its renewable energy capacity and laying the foundations for achieving our decarbonisation objectives.”

The oil firm, which according to Reuters currently produces 1.9 million barrels of oil equivalent per day, is trying to establish renewables as another business pillar on a worldwide basis, targeting to install 1.6GW of new solar, wind and storage capacity by 2022, and 5GW by 2025.

Eni and Falck Renewables North America (FRNA) as part of their deal will have various options to acquire projects from the venture, either consolidated line-by-line by Eni’s US unit (100%) or by FRNA (100% or with a minority 49% stake for Eni).

Eni will pay Falck about $70m for the share in five operating solar farms, and a solar panel stock valued at approximately $12.7m. Closing is subject to certain conditions precedent and is expected by the first quarter of 2020.
