

阅读:1476次 日期:2020/01/11

据烃加工网站1月8日报道 KBR公司于2019年1月推出的K-PROTM丙烷脱氢(PDH)技术赢得了第一份商业合同。这项创新的环保技术将被亚洲的一家客户用于60万吨/年的丙烷脱氢工厂。




KBR技术解决方案总裁Doug Kelly表示:“我们非常高兴K-PRO技术被选中参与这个项目,与我们公司对可持续发展的关注一致,K-PRO是KBR投资于创新、尖端和环保工艺技术的一个很好的例子。”


王磊 摘译自 烃加工


KBR secures contract for Its new propane dehydrogenation technology

KBR won the first commercial contract for its K-PROTM Propane Dehydrogenation (PDH) Technology which the company introduced in January 2019. This innovative and environmentally friendly technology will be utilized for a 600 kTA PDH plant by a client in Asia.

K-PRO provides lower capital and operating costs and environmental benefits for customers. The technology delivers proven reliability that allows facilities to operate for longer periods of time between shutdowns compared to existing commercially available technologies.

K-PRO employs KBR’s well-proven OrthoflowTM Fluidized Catalytic Cracking (FCC) reactor technology. It also leverages KBR’s expertise in designing optimized olefins recovery systems, gained through decades of licensing KBR’s SCORETM steam cracking and K-COTTM catalytic olefins technologies.

At the heart of the K-PRO process is an innovative catalyst that contains no costly precious metals and no environmentally sensitive chromium, which are used in existing commercially available technologies.

“We are very excited that our K-PRO technology was selected for this project,” said Doug Kelly, KBR President, Technology Solutions. “Consistent with our corporate focus towards sustainability, K-PRO is a great example of KBR investing in process technologies that are innovative, cutting-edge, and also environmentally friendly.”

The planned PDH unit is expected to start up in 2 years.
