

阅读:1469次 日期:2020/01/13

据1月10日Offshore Energy报道,位于尼日利亚近海OPL 310区块的Ogo项目油田的合作伙伴best Petroleum和Lekoil油气公司已经开始对许可证进行现场调查。

Lekoil周五表示,OPL 310的现场勘测是由石油资源部(DPR)根据《石油条例》的规定批准的。


继2013年Ogo-1和Ogo-1 ST钻井在SynRift和PostRift中遇到油气后,optimand Lekoil正在设计一个双井方案,目标是在保持钻井作为生产井的同时,从试井中获得动态流动数据。


Lekoil首席执行官Lekan Akinyanmi表示:“随着现场调查的开始,我们很高兴两套评估井钻探工作计划能够进行,预计将在今年下半年启动第一口井的钻探。”

洪伟立 摘译自 Offshore Energy


Ogo partners begin site survey offshore Nigeria

Optimum Petroleum and Lekoil, partners in the Ogo discovery located in OPL 310 block offshore Nigeria, have started a site survey over the license.

Lekoil said on Friday that the approval for the site survey on OPL 310 was granted by the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), in accordance with the provision of the Petroleum Regulations.

According to the company, the marine vessel conducting the site survey arrived at site location yesterday and began its operation which is expected to be completed before the expiration of the approval received from DPR which occurs on March 24, 2020.

Following on from the drilling of Ogo-1 and Ogo-1 ST in 2013 which encountered hydrocarbons within the SynRift and PostRift, Optimum and Lekoil are envisaging a two-well program with the objective of obtaining dynamic flow data from well testing while preserving the drilled wells as producers.

The first well spud could occur in the second half of this year. Lekoil has secured $184 million of funding for the appraisal drilling and initial development program activities on the Ogo field.

Lekan Akinyanmi, Lekoil CEO, said: “With the commencement of the site survey, we are delighted to begin in earnest the two well appraisal drilling work program of activities which is expected to lead to the spudding of the first well in the second half of this year.
