

阅读:1437次 日期:2020/01/13



北海上游首席分析师Neivan Boroujerdi表示:“去年,尽管全球经济活动降至20年来的最低水平,北海地区仍有价值150亿美元的资产易手,这一趋势将持续到2020年。”











曹海斌 摘译自 海上石油新闻


North Sea to remain global hotspot in 2020

It will be a noteworthy year for the North Sea – companies will increase production for the first time since 2017 and the outlook for both exploration and investment is looking healthy.

The region will remain a global hotspot for deals as the corporate landscape continues to evolve. Crucially, the North Sea will also see major steps towards decarbonisation.

Neivan Boroujerdi, principal analyst, North Sea upstream, said: “The buzz that saw US$15 billion worth of assets change hands in the North Sea last year – despite global activity falling to its lowest level in two decades – will continue into 2020.

“Private equity-backed companies will now be thinking about exiting. When combined with a continuation of the Supermajor sell-off, it means there could be bargains to be had in the UK.”

The North Sea has been a key source of disposals for the Majors (US$20 billion in the past three years alone), and with big divestment targets still outstanding, more will come.

“Some of the Majors have already upped sticks, and while most of those still here remain committed to the region, they have mature fields that could be better off in another operator’s hands. The rationale for taking undercapitalised assets and increasing recovery is still there,” Boroujerdi said.

With so many portfolios flooding the market, who are the buyers?

Boroujerdi said that outside of the West of Shetland, the Majors are unlikely purchasers.

“Tight capital budgets mean shareholders will not reward further North Sea acquisitions. Instead, expect smaller independents and new International and even financial players to step up,” he said.

Explorers will target 5 billion barrels of oil equivalent of unrisked resources. The wells will typically be drilled close to existing infrastructure, and in mature areas, as companies look for quicker payback from exploration campaigns.

“The exploration renaissance we witnessed in 2019 will continue. While elsewhere globally exploration budgets remain suppressed, we expect to see 60 exploration wells in the North Sea which is flat year-on-year and similar to pre-downturn levels.

“Norway will see the most activity – with as many as 40 wells, including up to 10 in the Barents Sea.”

In Norway, Equinor, Aker BP and Lundin are the big players. While international Majors will be largely absent on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, they will operate over a third of the UK’s wells in 2020, highlighting there is still appetite from the biggest of companies.
