

阅读:1426次 日期:2020/01/13

据1月10日Hydrocarbon processing报道,白俄罗斯国家石油公司Belorusneft本月已暂停向德国供应石油,因白俄罗斯需要弥补与俄罗斯发生合同纠纷而造成的俄罗斯石油供应短缺。



Belorusneft的供应与俄罗斯经由德鲁兹巴管道(Druzhba pipeline)输往欧洲的石油是不同的,德鲁兹巴管道的一部分经由白俄罗斯,迄今为止尚未受到影响。

Belorusneft每月向德国东北部的PCK Raffinerie GmbH供应逾10万吨原油。这家炼油厂的多数股权由俄罗斯石油公司持有(54.17%),荷兰皇家壳牌(Royal Dutch Shell)持有该厂37.5%的股份,意大利埃尼集团(Eni)持有8.33%的股份。

洪伟立 摘译自 Hydrocarbon processing


Belarus halts oil export to refinery in Germany

Belarus’ state oil company Belorusneft has suspended supplies of its own oil to Germany this month as Minsk needs to compensate for shortages of Russia-sourced oil amid a contract dispute with Moscow, four industry sources told Reuters on Friday.

Russia suspended oil supplies to Belarus on Jan. 1 in relation to a dispute over supply contract terms between Moscow and Minsk. Two Russian firms, Russneft and Neftisa, restored some supplies late on Jan. 4.

Belorusneft’s decision to suspend oil flows to Germany shows the challenges Minsk is facing while trying to negotiate the new oil supply deal with Russia. Moscow and Minsk have had several oil and gas spats over the past decade.

The Belorusneft supplies are separate from Russian oil transit to Europe via the Druzhba pipeline, part of which comes via Belarus and which so far has not been affected.

Belorusneft supplies more than 100,000 tonnes per month of its crude oil to PCK Raffinerie GmbH in the north east of Germany. The refinery is majority owned by Rosneft (54.17%). Royal Dutch Shell has 37.5% in the plant, while Italian Eni owns 8.33%.

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