

阅读:1436次 日期:2020/01/15

据Oil & Gas Journal网站1月10日报道 根据贝克休斯的数据,加拿大在截至1月10日的一周内钻机数量增加了118部,至203部,这一数字高于一年前本周的184部。加拿大石油钻机数量增加了93部,使本周的数量达到120部。天然气导向钻机数量增加了25部,达到83部。








吴恒磊 编译自 Oil & Gas Journal


Baker Hughes: Canada adds 118 rigs for the week

Canada has added 118 rigs for the week ended Jan. 10,according to Baker Hughes data. With 203 rigs running, the count is higher than the 184 units drilling this week a year ago. The number of oil-directed rigs in Canada increased by 93, bringing the count to 120 rigs for the week. Gas-directed rigs were up 25 units to 83.

Meanwhile, the US drilling rig count fell by 15 units to reach 751 during the week ended Jan. 10. The report shows an overall decrease of 294 units from year-ago levels.

Offshore units were down 1 this week at 21 rigs. A total of 759 rigs were drilling on land, down 14 units from last week. The number of rigs drilling in inland waters remained unchanged at 1 rig working.

Rigs targeting oil fell 11 units to 659, and down 214 from the 873 rigs drilling for oil this week a year ago. Gas-targeted rigs were down 4 units to 119. This time last year, 202 units were drilling for gas.

Texas saw the largest decrease in rigs week-over-week with a 7-unit drop to 396 rigs running. Louisiana dropped 3 rigs to hit 55 for the week. New Mexico dropped 2 rigs to reach 102.

The rig count in five states dropped by a single unit each: North Dakota, 49; Wyoming, 24; Colorado. 21; Ohio, 10; and Alaska, 7.

Four states remained unchanged week over week, namely West Virginia, 16; California, 14; Utah, 4; and Kansas, 0.

Oklahoma and Pennsylvania each gained a single rig to reach 52 and 25 rigs running, respectively.
