

阅读:1332次 日期:2020/02/10






李峻 编译自 俄罗斯油气网


Gasoline production ups by 84% in Kazakhstan after modernization of refinery

Gasoline production in Kazakhstan after modernization of the refinery grew by 84%, diesel – by 36%, and jet fuel – 3 times, the FinReview reported. According to KazMunayGas, 3 Kazakhstan oil refineries are capable of producing gas 24% more than the market needs, and the nearest deficit will arise no earlier than 2032.

In 2019, the country processed 17.1 million tons of oil with an increase of 5% compared to last year’s period. As a result, gasoline production, including aviation, increased by 14.4% and reached 4.5 million tons (in 2018 – about 4 million tons).

The largest volume of output was provided in Shymkent – 1.9 million tons of gasoline were produced, or 42% of the total output. The region has the newest refinery in the republic. 30% of gasoline production was provided by the Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant (1.4 million tons), and 27.1% – by the Atyrau Refinery (1.2 million tons).

Previously, the domestic market was dependent on imports; its share in some types of oil products exceeded 40%. Nevertheless, the market was in short supply of fuel.

Now, after increasing gasoline production, the country managed to reduce product imports to a minimum – according to the results of 9 months of 2019, the volume of imports amounted to 18.7 thousand tons. For the same period of 2018, imports amounted to 590 thousand tons.
