

阅读:1294次 日期:2020/02/10

据油气新闻网站2月4日达曼报道 尽管发生了一系列地区性地缘政治事件但阿拉伯石油投资公司(Apicorp)仍有信心,如其《中东和北非地区2019年年度能源投资展望》所述,中东和北非地区承诺和计划的能源投资估计将达到1万亿美元。

Apicorp首席经济学家Leila R Benali博士在年度Apicorp首席经济学家2020年最佳选择报告中指出:“这一次,除非出现其他不可想象的事态发展,油价可能是波动最小的市场信号。早期的估计显示,到2020年全球液体需求将下降30万桶/天。假设某些其他因素继续相互平衡,尤其是在2020年第二季度之后,我们预计布伦特原油价格将在55-65美元区间内交易。”




王磊 摘译自 油气新闻


Mena energy investments will hit $1 trillion: Apicorp

Despite a set of recent regional geo-political events, the Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation (Apicorp) remains confident that the estimated committed and planned energy investments in the Mena region will reach $1 trillion as stated in its Mena Annual Energy Investment Outlook 2019.

“For once, oil prices could be the least volatile market signal, barring other unthinkable developments. Assuming certain other factors continue to balance each other out, particularly post-Q2 2020, we expect Brent prices to trade in the $55-65 range,” Dr Leila R Benali, the Chief Economist at Apicorp, noted in the annual Apicorp’s Chief Economist’s Top Picks 2020 report.

The real cause for concern is the prevalent ‘attentisme’ (wait-and-see attitude) on various key geopolitical and monetary policies, which is in turn affects the market and investors’ mindset.

“With regards to carbon pricing, the attentisme recently translated into calls to divest away from hydrocarbons. But we have to highlight the $70 billion drop in investments as per our Gas Investment Outlook 2019-2023 compared to the previous 2018 report,” she said.

Furthermore, as highlighted in Apicorp’s November 2019 white paper, “The Energy Transition: Reshaping Investments and Strategies,” carbon pricing helps level the playing field for energy technologies and provides finance stakeholders, particularly from the private sector, greater visibility, the report said.
