

阅读:1367次 日期:2020/02/17


根据领先的数据分析公司GlobalData的数据,该国涵盖了未来一年的所有最终投资决策,且其中71%的项目已经开工。到2020年,与液化天然气(LNG)项目有关的FID超过一 半,澳大利亚似乎将继续保持其液化天然气最大出口国的地位。2019年是该国液化天然气持续年出口量首次超过卡塔尔的一年。

GlobalData的上游油气分析师Joseph Wisdom评论道:“特别值得注意的是,斯卡伯勒和巴罗萨两个项目即将进行的液化天然气最终投资决策,预计将总共开采约10万亿立方英尺(tcf)的天然气。但是,也有一些规模较小的项目也希望利用该国的液化天然气形势。雅科仕将是该国第二个FLNG项目,希望利用该地区闲置的天然气资产。”




曹海斌 摘译自 油气新闻

Australia expected to top oil and gas production in Oceania in 2020, says GlobalData

Of the four countries in the Oceania region, Australia is the only one expected to add oil and gas production in 2020 compared to the previous year.

According to leading data and analytics company GlobalData, the country comprises all Final Investment Decisions (FIDs) for the year ahead and 71% of the project starts. With over half the FIDs in 2020 relating to liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects, Australia looks set to retain its position as the top exporter of LNG; 2019 was the first year the country’s sustained annual exports of liquefied gas surpassed Qatar’s.

Joseph Wisdom, Upstream Oil & Gas Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “Of particular note regarding the upcoming LNG FIDs are Scarborough and Barossa, which together are expected to recover around 10 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas. However, there are smaller scale projects also looking to capitalize on the country’s LNG situation. Equus would be the second FLNG project in the country, looking to take advantage of stranded gas assets in the area.”

In Oceania, some of the key project starts for 2020 include Blackwatch, Haselgrove and Sole, all in Australia, and Maui Redevelopment and Supplejack in New Zealand.

In the Sole project, first gas was pushed back in Q4 2019 after delays in completing the Orbost gas plant in Victoria, and again after bushfires threatened the plant. Recoverable reserves are an estimated 232 billion cubic feet (bcf). Development involves a single vertical offshore well connected via pipelines to the Orbost Gas Plant.

As for FIDs, key projects that are targeting FIDs in 2020 in Oceania include Scarborough, Barossa, Equus and Crux, all in Australia.
