

阅读:1330次 日期:2020/02/17

据烃加工网站2月14日消息 埃及本周签署了一项在艾斯尤特建造重油加氢裂化综合设施的合同,这是上埃及(Upper Egypt)将实施的最大炼油项目,投资总额为25亿美元。根据石油部周五的一份声明,这份合同是在石油和矿产资源部部长Tarek al-Mulla出席的情况下,由艾斯尤特国家石油加工公司(ANOPC)总裁Mohamed Badr Eddin以及来自Enppi和意大利Techint Engineering的代表所签署。





吴恒磊 编译自 烃加工


$US 2.5 bn contract signed for construction of largest oil refinery project in Upper Egypt

Egypt this week signed a contract for the construction of a mazut hydrocracking complex in Assiut, the largest oil refining project to be implemented in Upper Egypt, with investment totaling US$ 2.5 billion. The contract was signed in the presence of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Minister Tarek al-Mulla by Mohamed Badr Eddin, President of Assiut National Oil Processing Company (ANOPC), and representatives from Enppi and Italy’s Techint Engineering, according to a statement by the Petroleum Ministry on Friday.

The project hopes to maximize the utilization of state resources by taking advantage of the latest hydrocracking technology to refine mazut, a low-value product, and transform it into petroleum products of a higher value, mainly diesel with European specifications.

The complex in Assiut aims for a production capacity of 2.8 million tons annually, the statement added, and the facility will also produce butane and naphtha used in the production of high-octane gasoline.

The project aims to contribute to covering the needs of Upper Egypt in terms of petroleum products, which the project’s organizers say should reduce the volume of petroleum imports to the country.

The project is also expected to provide job opportunities in the Upper Egypt area, the statement said.

In a related context, during the first day of the 2020 Egypt Petroleum show, the Egyptian Petrochemicals Holding Company (ECHEM) and the Bechtel Group signed a US$6.7 billion agreement to construct a refining and petrochemical complex within the Suez Canal Economic Zone.
