

阅读:1503次 日期:2020/02/18

据今日油价网站2月13日消息 咨询公司伍德麦肯兹周四向路透社表示,未来10年尼日利亚石油产量可能下降35%,因油价低迷下的监管不确定性和成本可能促使石油巨头推迟对三大深水项目的最终投资决定。





王磊 摘译自 今日油价


Africa’s Largest Oil Nation Could See Production Drop 35%

Nigeria’s oil production could drop by 35 percent in the next ten years as regulatory uncertainty and costs amid languishing oil prices may prompt oil majors to postpone final investment decisions on three major deepwater projects, consultancy Wood Mackenzie told Reuters on Thursday.

OPEC member Nigeria is the largest oil producer in Africa and it pumped 1.776 million barrels of oil per day (bpd) in January 2020, according to OPEC’s secondary sources in its monthly report published this week. Adding condensate production, Nigeria’s total oil output exceeds 2 million bpd.

However, three deepwater projects offshore Nigeria, operated by oil majors Exxon, Shell, and Total, could see their start-up dates delayed by two to four years to the late 2020s, according to the research WoodMac shared with Reuters ahead of publishing it on Friday.

The regulatory changes in Nigeria’s oil industry and the still pending final approval of a petroleum bill - after two decades of delays and wrangling - act as deterrents to the oil majors’ investment decisions, according to Wood Mackenzie.

Moreover, the three deepwater projects - which could add a combined 300,000 bpd to Nigeria’s production - are not profitable at current oil prices with Brent Crude below $60 a barrel, the consultancy noted.
