

阅读:1436次 日期:2020/02/21

据Azernews新闻网站2月18日消息 阿塞拜疆2019年出口石油3123.8万吨,比2018年下降4.3%。




然而,尽管2019年石油和天然气出口总体下降,但2020年1月Shah Deniz油田的出口有所增加。

根据国家统计委员会提供的数据,2020年1月,Shah Deniz油田天然气出口量达10.71亿立方米,比2019年1月增长14.5%。

今年第一个月,Shah Deniz油田的天然气出口量占全国天然气管道输气总量的33.9%。


2019年,阿塞拜疆从Shah Deniz的天然气出口量达100.4178亿立方米。


目前,阿塞拜疆平均每天从海上和陆上油田开采11万吨石油和9400万立方米天然气,其中包括与外国公司联合作业的Shah Deniz、Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli (ACG)和Umid油气田。

吴恒磊 编译自 Azernews


Azerbaijan decreases oil exports in 2019

Azerbaijan exported 31 million 238,000 tons of oil in 2019, which is 4.3 percent lower than in 2018.

During the reporting period, the total cost of oil exported from Azerbaijan amounted to $14 billion 447 million 114,000. This indicates an 11.6 percent decline, local media reported.

Gas export from Azerbaijan amounted to 12 billion 210.2 million cubic meters in 2019 (a 23.2 percent increase). The total value of gas exported from the country during the reporting period amounted to $ 2 billion 569 million 583,300 (a 50.8 increase).

Azerbaijan is currently exporting its gas to Georgia and Turkey.

However, despite the overall decrease in oil and gas exports in 2019, January 2020 saw an increase of exports from Shah Deniz field.

According to the data, provided by State Statistical Committee the export of Azerbaijani gas from the Shah Deniz field amounted to 1 billion 71 million cubic meters in January 2020, which is 14.5 percent higher than that of January 2019.

It was noted that during the first month of the year, gas exports from the Shah Deniz field accounted for 33.9 percent of country’s all gas transported through gas pipelines.

Overall, Azerbaijan’s gas pipelines transported 3 billion 163.6 million cubic meters of gas in January 2020 (a 12.2 percent increase).

In 2019, Azerbaijan’s gas export from Shah Deniz amounted to10 billion 417.8 million cubic meters.

Azerbaijan mainly carries out oil exports through Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline, and gas exports via the South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP), namely the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum.

Currently, an average of 110,000 tons of oil and 94 million cubic meters of gas are extracted per day in Azerbaijan from offshore and onshore fields, including the Shah Deniz, Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli (ACG) and Umid fields, which are jointly operated with foreign companies.
