

阅读:1297次 日期:2020/02/26

据能源新闻2月25消息称,根据Wood Mackenzie的说法,全球存储市场的发令枪已经响起,到2024年,全球存储市场的年部署能力将从2019年的约4GW增长到超过15GW。成本下降,直接激励和清洁能源目标激增,竞争激烈的市场和垂直一体化电力供应商开始认识到能源存储的潜力。







曹海斌 摘译自 能源新闻

Energy storage to accelerate global energy transition in 2020s

The starting gun has sounded for the global storage market, which is set to grow from approximately 4GW of annual deployments in 2019 to more than 15GW in 2024, according to Wood Mackenzie. Costs have fallen, direct incentives and clean energy targets are proliferating and competitive markets and vertically-integrated electricity providers are beginning to recognise the potential of energy storage.

In the next decade, the already consolidating web of manufacturers, developers, investors and integrators will compete for their slice of this burgeoning industry, carving out mature supply chains and propelling cost reductions. As they do, continued policy and regulatory efforts will be key to driving upside in the market.

The end of the decade will benefit from stabilising supply chains and mature and experienced players, however there will be even more potential for disruption from new technologies and policies.

Finn-Foley said: “The energy storage industry is in the enviable position of juggling growth gamechangers from multiple directions.”

As with all renewable energy technologies, energy storage has an important role to play in the energy transition.

“Oil major Total and automaker Opel announced a collaboration on electric vehicle (EV) cell manufacturing earlier this year, potentially investing as much as $5.5 billion in up to 47 GWh of manufacturing capacity.

“Total, already investing in stationary storage applications, and Opel clearly see batteries as a key element of the future,” said Finn-Foley.
