

阅读:1318次 日期:2020/02/26

据今日油价网站2月24日消息 资金经理人继续平仓石油期货多头头寸,但上周抛售速度再次放缓,已连续第三周放缓。

根据路透社市场分析师John Kemp汇编的交易所数据,在截至2月18日的一周内,在六个最重要、交易量最大的石油期货中,投资组合经理卖出了相当于1600万桶的原油。





“基金将看涨WTI原油的押注量削减了27000多,同时将布伦特原油的多头维持在接近不变的水平。盛宝银行大宗商品策略主管Ole Hansen周一在评论交易员报告承诺时表示,后者可能是为了应对利比亚、俄罗斯石油公司和潜在的欧佩克+削减供应的风险。

王磊 摘译自 今日油价


Hedge Funds Selling In Oil Slows Down For Third Week

Money managers continued to liquidate long positions in oil futures, but the pace of selling slowed down again last week, for a third consecutive week.

According to exchanges data compiled by Reuters market analyst John Kemp, portfolio managers sold the equivalent of 16 million barrels in the six most important and most traded petroleum futures in the week to February 18.

Although last week was another week in which the net long position in petroleum futures dropped, hedge funds sold the fewest number of barrel equivalents for the past monthmade headlines and started seriously affecting market sentiment over concerns about global oil demand.

In the week to February 18, money managers were net sellers of 28 million barrels of WTI Crude and 1 million barrels of Brent Crude, according to the data compiled by Kemp.

The previous week to February 11 had already shown signs that although liquidation of longs continued, the pace of rising shorts slowed after the early market panic. In the week to February 11, money managers sold the equivalent of 74 million barrels in the six most important petroleum contracts.

In the week to February 18, hedge funds and other money managers were net sellers of 16 million barrels of those contracts, according to the exchanges data crunched by Kemp.

“Funds cut bullish WTI crude oil bets by 27k lots while keeping the Brent long close to unchanged. The latter potentially in response to supply risks from Libya, Russia’s Rosneft and potential OPEC+ cuts,” Ole Hansen, Head of Commodity Strategy at Saxo Bank, said on Monday, commenting on the commitment of traders (COT) reports.
