

阅读:1332次 日期:2020/02/26

据俄罗斯油气网2月25日巴库报道,全球领先的商业情报公司伍德麦肯兹(WM/Wood Mackenzie)里海和欧洲首席研究分析师阿什利·舍曼日前告诉阿塞拜疆Trend通讯社记者,跨亚得里亚海天然气管道(塔普/TAP)将在几个方面塑造意大利的天然气市场。“意大利严重依赖天然气进口。因此,TAP的试运行将是长期供应选择的重要多样化,” 舍曼如是说。


荷兰VEROCY能源分析师、贝里大宗商品公司全球战略风险主管Cyril Widdershoven告诉Trend记者,阿塞拜疆对意大利的重要性正在上升。他说:“从石油和天然气两方面来看,意大利对阿塞拜疆的机会均表现出了浓厚兴趣,不仅能解决进口石油和天然气供当地消费的问题,同时也能积极寻求阿塞拜疆的其他能源选择。”




李峻 编译自 俄罗斯油气网


WoodMac: TAP to shape Italy''s gas market in several ways

Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) will shape Italy''s gas market in several ways, Ashley Sherman, Principal Research Analyst Caspian & Europe at Wood Mackenzie told Trend. "Italy is heavily reliant on gas imports. Commissioning of TAP will therefore be an important diversification of supply options for the long term," said Sherman.

"TAP – and increased availability of gas supply into Italy – will also help shape the country''s gas market in several ways. Firstly, TAP will deliver gas into southern Italy (Puglia region) and will result in additional flows between south and north Italy. Secondly, TAP will also boost the importance of the country''s gas hub (PSV) and integration with neighbouring markets. Finally, the gas contracts signed for deliveries via TAP will set the benchmark for future renegotiation of other piped import agreements in the 2020s," he added.

Cyril Widdershoven, energy analyst and partner at Dutch VEROCY and Global Head Strategy Risk at Berry Commodities told Trend that the importance of Azerbaijan for Italy is increasing. "Looking at both oil and gas, Italy has shown its interest in the Azerbaijani opportunities, addressing not only importing oil and gas for local consumption, but also actively pursuing other energy options in Azerbaijan at the same time," he said.

The expert noted that on a regional level, Azerbaijan is clearly a major player, not only for Italy but for EU as a whole. Azerbaijan is at the Crossroads of several major oil and gas regions, which makes it not only of strategic importance to Italy, but EU, he added.

TAP project, worth 4.5 billion euros, is one of the priority energy projects for the EU. The project envisages transportation of gas from Azerbaijan''s Shah Deniz Stage 2 to the EU countries.

Connecting with the Trans Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) at the Greek-Turkish border, TAP will cross Northern Greece, Albania and the Adriatic Sea before coming ashore in Southern Italy to connect to the Italian natural gas network. The project is currently in its construction phase, which started in 2016.

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