

阅读:1162次 日期:2020/03/09





李峻 编译自 世界石油


Halliburton reduces well time and costs with new drilling motor

Halliburton has released NitroForce, a new drilling motor that provides increased power and performance to complete longer laterals faster and with greater control. The motor helps operators reduce potential motor failure and increase drilling speed to save well time and costs.

“As operators focus on greater operational efficiency, we designed a motor with the highest horsepower in the oil and gas industry to drill faster and reduce non-productive time,” said Lamar Duhon, vice president of Halliburton Sperry Drilling. “Using this new motor allows operators to drill more consistent wells to increase their production.”

The NitroForce motor delivers longer runs with less wear by using new proprietary Charge elastomers and a stronger transmission, power section and bearings that work together to withstand high loads and torque. The design allows for a higher flow rate for improved hole cleaning and increased rate of penetration, which accelerates well delivery. By extending lateral lengths, operators can increase reservoir contact, minimize trips and reliably complete the curve and lateral in a single run.

In the U.S. Midcontinent region, the NitroForce motor completed a 10,000-foot record run by drilling a 40 percent longer lateral with a 30 percent greater rate of penetration compared to a conventional motor.
