

阅读:1488次 日期:2020/03/20

据3月16日Kallanish Energy报道,从上周发布的最新统计数据来看,英国可再生能源发电量在2019年第三季度首次超过天然气发电量。



Etopia项目的创始人约瑟夫·丹尼尔斯(Joseph Daniels)说表示:“这是一个漫长的过程,对于国家来说,无疑是个重大的时刻,这个里程碑将第一次和第二次工业革命与目前正在进行的第三次工业革命区分开来。可再生能源的时代正在到来,这一创纪录的数字表明,我们已经准备好实现净零排放目标。”



王佳晶 摘译自 Kallanish Energy


Renewables briefly surpass gas generation in UK

UK’s renewables power generation has surpassed natural gas for the first time ever in the third quarter of 2019, Kallanish Energy learns from new statistics released last week.

The July-September 2019 government data show that renewable sources broke a record generating 28.8 terawatt hour (TWh) of electricity – a 16% increase year-on-year. This was also marginally higher than the country’s dominant generation fuel: gas.

With a share of 39% of the British energy mix, generation from renewables benefitted from higher wind power production and increased renewables capacity. Onshore wind generation was up 24% and offshore up 43% y-o-y.

“It’s been a long time coming,” said Joseph Daniels, founder of Project Etopia. “It represents a huge significant moment for the country. This milestone is one that separates the first and second industrial revolutions from the third that is unfolding right now.”

“The renewables era is well underway, and this record-setting figure signals that we are geared up to meet net zero emission targets,” he added.

The UK’s fossil fuel power generation has been declining as the country phases coal out of the energy mix. These fuel types have declined 40.1% in the period – the lowest value in the history of government tracking.

But while coal generation declined 61% to 0.7TWh, gas generation was only down by 1.2% at 29TWh. Natural gas remains the UK’s No. 1 generation fuel, producing electricity in 40 stations nationwide.
