

阅读:1430次 日期:2020/03/20



GlobalData上游油气分析师Toya Latham评论道:“随着2019年深水勘探钻井的增加,以及去年发现的最大油田也大多位于深水区域,到2020年,政府提供的深水油田可能会继续吸引大量公司的兴趣。”

2020年一季度,将进行16轮许可证发放,其中7轮将在本季度结束。美国将在2020年3月举行的Lease Sale 254中提供最大的油田面积。塞内加尔也已正式启动了2020年的许可证发放,提供12个海上区块,将于2020年7月结束。



曹海斌 摘译自 油田技术


GlobalData: deepwater acreage will continue to attract significant interest through 2020

A significant portion of the acreage available in 1Q20 is located in either deep or ultra-deep water, up from the previous quarter, according to GlobalData.

The company’s report: ‘1Q20 Global Bid Round Outlook – Increase in Deepwater Acreage Offered in 1Q20’ reveals that in 1Q20, approximately 60% of the acreage available in licensing rounds either open or scheduled to close in the quarter is located in deep or ultra-deepwater.

Toya Latham, Upstream Oil & Gas Analyst at GlobalData, commented: “With the increase in deepwater exploration drilling in 2019 and the largest discoveries of last year also mostly located in deepwater settings, it is likely that deepwater acreage offered by governments will continue to attract significant company interest through 2020.”

In 1Q20, 16 licensing rounds are open with seven scheduled to close in the quarter. The US is offering the largest volume of acreage in Lease Sale 254, which will be held in March 2020. Senegal has also officially launched its 2020 licensing round offering 12 offshore blocks, which will close in July 2020.

Latham continued: “Following the major exploration successes in the area over the past few years, Senegal’s 2020 licensing round could generate significant interest; the round will also be the first to test the country’s recently updated fiscal framework, which increases the fiscal burden for new investments.”

Looking ahead into 2020, Africa, Asia, and South America are expected to host a major portion of the potential upcoming licensing round activity including Angola, Nigeria, Thailand, and Brazil.
