

阅读:1505次 日期:2020/03/20

据3月13日Offshore Energy报道,挪威国家石油公司Equinor获得了挪威石油管理局(NPD)颁发的在北海挪威区域钻探一口探井的相关钻探许可证。

NPD上周五表示,将从Transocean Norge钻井平台上钻探34/7-E-4 AH井筒。井筒钻井程序涉及生产许可证089中wildcat井的钻探,其中挪国油作为经营者拥有41.5%的权益。

其他所有者分别为Petoro、Var Energi、Idemitsu Petroleum和Wintershall Dea,分别持有30%、16.1%、9.6%和2.8%的股权。



邹勤 摘译自 Offshore Energy


Equinor cleared to drill wildcat well in North Sea

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) has given Equinor a drilling permit related to the drilling of a wildcat well in the North Sea off Norway.

The NPD said on Friday that the 34/7-E-4 AH wellbore would be drilled from the Transocean Norge drilling rig.

The drilling program for wellbore relates to the drilling of a wildcat well in production license 089 where Equinor is the operator with an ownership interest of 41.5 percent.

Other licensees are Petoro, V?r Energi, Idemitsu Petroleum, and Wintershall Dea with 30, 16.1, 9.6, and 2.8 percent stakes respectively.

The area in this license consists of parts of block 34/7. The well will be drilled just southwest of the Snorre field.

Production license 089 was awarded on March 9, 1984, in the 8th licensing round on the Norwegian shelf. This well is the 41st exploration well to be drilled in the license.

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