

阅读:1519次 日期:2020/03/20


政府最近承诺为Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano (AKK)管道提供主权担保,它已经为天然气行业发布了新的供应网络,甚至在其雄心勃勃的减少燃除的计划中也取得了进展。

尼日利亚石油资源国务部长Timipre Sylva将2020年定为“天然气年”,这始于尼日利亚液化天然气(NLNG)工厂7号生产线的最终投资决定(FID)。

Bracewell的合伙人 (Adam Blythe评论说,该国有丰富的天然气供应,但缺乏必要的基础设施来将原料输送到可以使用的地方。他接着表示:“开发天然气基础设施可能成本高昂,而且中游开发商面临着严重的资金限制。” 他表示,该行业的风险与难以达成稳健的交易有关。


曹海斌 摘译自 能源之声

Nigeria puts its foot on the gas

While the big goal of tackling its sclerotic oil industry is still languishing, Nigeria has been racking up progress in its gas sector.

The government recently committed to providing a sovereign guarantee for the Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano (AKK) pipeline, it has published a new network code for the gas sector and is even making progress in its ambitious plans to reduce flaring.

Nigerian Minister of State for Petroleum Resources Timipre Sylva has designated 2020 as the “year of gas”, which began with the final investment decision (FID) on Train 7 at the Nigeria LNG (NLNG) plant.

The country has abundant supplies of gas but lacks the required infrastructure to move the feedstock to where it could be used, Bracewell’s partner Adam Blythe commented. “Developing that gas infrastructure can be costly and there are significant funding constraints on midstream developers,” he continued, saying risks in the sector were connected to difficulties in securing robust offtake deals.

There is an environmental benefit to shifting to gas, the Bracewell partner said, noting the appeal of reducing the country’s reliance on small-scale diesel generators.

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