

阅读:1519次 日期:2020/03/20





李峻 编译自 原油新闻


Saudi Aramco says can maintain 12 million b/d crude output for a year without new capex

Saudi Aramco can pump crude at its maximum 12 million b/d capacity for a year without any new investment, its CEO said Monday, as the world's largest oil producer girds for a potentially protracted price war against Russia and US shale companies.

The Saudi oil giant earlier this month aggressively slashed its selling prices for crude exports and announced plans for a surge in production, after its more-than-three-year partnership with Russia and other key producers on output cuts broke up in acrimony. The moves have contributed to a massive rout in crude prices, with the market already weakened by the impact of the coronavirus outbreak.

"Saudi Aramco can sustain low oil prices for a long time," Aramco CEO Amin Nasser said on an earnings call. "We are very comfortable with a $30/b price [and] can meet our dividend and shareholder expectations at $30/b and even lower."

Aramco said last week it planned to supply 12.3 million b/d of crude to the market in April once its OPEC production quota expires - some 25% above current levels. Nasser revealed Monday that 300,000 b/d of that would be drawn from its substantial inventories, implying that Aramco planned to pump at full tilt for the month.
