

阅读:1606次 日期:2020/06/03

中国石化新闻网讯 据MENAFN通讯社5月27日消息称,IEA表示,2020年初,全球能源投资有望增长约2%,这将是六年来最大的年度支出增幅。

IEA执行董事Fatih Birol博士指出,关键清洁能源技术支出的放缓也有可能破坏向亟需向更具弹性和可持续能源体系的转变。









曹海斌 摘译自 MENAFN


Global consumer spending on oil to fall below spending on electricity for first time

IEA says that at the start of 2020, global energy investment was on track for growth of around 2 percent, which would have been the largest annual rise in spending in six years.

Dr Fatih Birol, the IEA's Executive Director pointed out that the slowdown in spending on key clean energy technologies also risks undermining the much-needed transition to more resilient and sustainable energy systems.

A combination of falling demand, lower prices and a rise in cases of non-payment of bills means that energy revenues going to governments and industry are set to fall by well over $1 trillion in 2020, according to the report.

Oil accounts for most of this decline as, for the first time, global consumer spending on oil is set to fall below the amount spent on electricity.

Companies with weakened balance sheets and more uncertain demand outlooks are cutting back on investment while projects are also being hampered by lockdowns and disrupted supply chains.

Global investment in oil and gas is expected to fall by almost one-third in 2020.

This is while investment in shale is anticipated to fall by 50 percent in 2020. At the same time, many national oil companies are now desperately short of funding. For oil markets, if investment stays at 2020 levels then this would reduce the previously-expected level of supply in 2025 by almost 9 million barrels a day, creating a clear risk of tighter markets if demand starts to move back towards its pre-crisis trajectory.

Power sector spending is on course to decrease by 10 percent in 2020, with worrying signals for the development of more secure and sustainable power systems.

The overall share of global energy spending that goes to clean energy technologies including renewables, efficiency, nuclear and carbon capture, utilisation and storage has been stuck at around one-third in recent years. In 2020, it will jump towards 40 percent, but only because fossil fuels are taking such a heavy hit. In absolute terms, it remains far below the levels that would be required to accelerate energy transitions.

If we are to achieve a lasting reduction in global emissions, then we will need to see a rapid increase in clean energy investment, said Dr Birol. 'The response of policy makers and the extent to which energy and sustainability concerns are integrated into their recovery strategies will be critical.
