

阅读:1489次 日期:2020/07/24

据油气新闻网站7月20日消息 来自埃克森美孚公司、乔治亚理工学院和伦敦帝国理工学院的科学家发表了一项联合研究报告,探讨了一种新的膜技术可能取得的突破,该技术可以减少与炼油相关的排放和能源强度。实验室测试表明,在未来的几年里,这种正在申请专利的膜可以用来取代炼油厂的一些热密集蒸馏。






王磊 摘译自 油气新闻


ExxonMobil collaboration signals breakthrough in membrane technology

Scientists from ExxonMobil, the Georgia Institute of Technology and Imperial College of London have published joint research on potential breakthroughs in a new membrane technology that could reduce emissions and energy intensity associated with refining crude oil. Laboratory tests indicate the patent-pending membrane could be used to replace some heat-intensive distillation at refineries in the years ahead.

Results of the research were published today in the international peer-reviewed journal, Science.

“Through collaboration with strong academic institutions like Georgia Tech and Imperial, we are constantly working to develop the lower-emissions energy solutions of the future," said Vijay Swarup, vice president of research and development at ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company.

“Inspired by reverse osmosis technology that has reduced energy intensity tenfold for water purification, we decided to look into ways to use new materials for liquids separation, which if brought to industrial scale, could significantly reduce associated greenhouse gas emissions,” said Swarup. “This is one of many new materials ExxonMobil is researching to reduce energy intensity and CO 2 in our operations.”

The research successfully demonstrated that naphtha and kerosene—the primary components of gasoline and jet fuel—can be separated from light crude oil using pressure instead of heat, reducing emissions and energy consumption significantly compared to traditional, heat-based distillation methods.

Since 2014, the team of scientists has worked to identify advanced membranes to separate light shale crude oil using significantly less energy than used in typical refining processes. In the gasoline and jet fuel range, the membranes developed by the team are twice as effective as the most selective commercial membranes in use today.

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