

阅读:1131次 日期:2020/10/29

中国石化新闻网讯 据全球能源新闻网10月17日报道,2019年,德克萨斯州风力发电贡献了8.44万GWh的电力,比2018年的7.57万GWh增长了11%。该州风电装机发电量的大幅增长是风电装机发电量增长的主要原因。德州的风力发电能力在2019年增长了近17%,从2018年的24.1吉瓦增加到2019年的28.1吉瓦。2019年德州风力发电占总发电量的18%,而2010年为6%。




2019年德克萨斯州的风电装机发电量为28.1吉瓦,比美国任何其他州都要多。 如果说得克萨斯州是一个国家,那么它的风力发电装机发电量将是世界第五。据EIA预计,德克萨斯州的风力发电能力将继续增长,因为电力生产商将利用德克萨斯州丰富的风力资源,风力涡轮机的成本持续下降以及税收优惠政策。 EIA预计2020年德克萨斯州将新增5吉瓦的风电装机发电量,2021年将达到3.6吉瓦的风电装机发电量。

郝芬 译自 全球能源新闻网



In 2019, wind-powered generation contributed 84.4 thousand gigawatthours (GWh) of electricity in Texas, an 11% increase from the 75.7 thousand GWh generated in 2018. Substantial growth in wind capacity in the state was the primary reason for this increase. Texas wind capacity rose almost 17% in 2019, from 24.1 gigawatts (GW) in 2018 to 28.1 GW in 2019. Wind power accounted for 18% of the electricity generated in Texas in 2019, compared with 6% in 2010.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Hourly Electric Grid Monitor provides data on hourly electricity demand and generation from the 64 balancing authorities in the Lower 48 states.

Wind penetration, expressed as the share of total demand satisfied by wind generation, set a new all-time record in 2020. On the morning of Saturday, May 2, 2020, wind generation contributed 59% of hourly electricity demand. Records for wind penetration are often broken in the spring because of highly seasonal patterns in both electricity demand and wind power output. In Texas, wind generation is usually highest in the windier spring season. The shoulder seasons of spring and fall are when electricity demand is relatively low because mild temperatures mean less electricity is used to heat or cool homes and businesses.

On a monthly basis, Texas wind power generation in 2019 ranged from a low of 6.3 thousand GWh in June to a high of 7.9 thousand GWh in April. In April 2019, wind generators in Texas ran at an overall 44% capacity factor (the utilization rate of total generating capacity). Monthly wind capacity factors in Texas are slightly higher and less variable than in the United States as a whole

With 28.1 GW of installed wind capacity in 2019, Texas had more wind capacity than any other U.S. state. If Texas were a country, it would have had the fifth-highest installed wind capacity in the world. EIA expects wind capacity to continue growing in Texas as power producers take advantage of the state’s abundant wind resources, continuing cost declines for wind turbines, and tax incentives. EIA expects 5.0 GW of new wind capacity will come online in Texas in 2020 and 3.6 GW in 2021.

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